Members of the FSB detachment who carried out the murder of Navalny identified


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Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny must have been poisoned this summer by a detachment of the Russian National Security Service responsible for internal security, Spiegel wrote with Bellingcat’s international investigative journalism network, which also specializes in investigative articles. investigation.

They concluded that, based on an analysis of data on the use of mobile telecommunications services in Russia, location data, passenger lists of Russian domestic flights and “other” sources, “there can be little reasonable doubt” that Alexei Navalny was reported to the Federal Security Service (FSB) for at least He was poisoned by a detachment of 8 agents.

Members of the unit were identified and tried to contact them, but they did not respond to inquiries. All are men, three are medical graduates and two are scientists specializing in biological and chemical weapons. The unit’s activities were coordinated by Oleg Tajakin, a physician at the FSB Institute of Forensic Sciences. Founded in 1977 as part of the Soviet State Security Authority (KGB), the institute could be linked to several murders, such as the case of former Russian intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko, who was killed in London in 2006 with a radiant isotope, he writes Spiegel.

According to a reconstruction of the detachment’s history compiled by analyzing Russian databases, FSB agents began dealing with Navalny in a coordinated and intensive manner by mid-2017 at the latest, after the politician announced that he would report to next year’s presidential election. There have been at least 30 cases of tracking on scheduled flights in the world’s largest country.

They probably tried to poison me in 2019 as well, and even then their goal was for the poison to work during a flight. They certainly broke into his life again in July this year, also with poison, but that his wife, Julia Navalny, got into his body and did not cause him any lasting damage due to the fortunate development of circumstances.

It is possible that the attempted assassination in August of a neurotox named rookies was authorized or instructed by the upper echelons of the Russian state leadership. This is indicated by the fact that Oleg Tajakin, accompanied by a member of the unit’s chemical weapons expert, Konstantin Kudryavev, paid a brief visit to Sochi just before the action, where several members of the political elite are in mandatory quarantine for the coronavirus before personal conversations with President Vladimir Putin.

Photo: Vasily Maksimov / AFP

Alexei Navalny is one of the best-known critics of the Russian head of state. On August 20, he negotiated with opponents in Siberia and fell ill on the plane back to Moscow. The plane made a forced landing in Omsk, and the 44-year-old politician was transferred to a hospital there. (According to intelligence sources in the Sunday Times, the second attempt may have taken place at the Omsk hospital just before his transfer to Berlin.) The comatose politician was transferred to Berlin for treatment on August 22.

According to German, Swedish and French studies, he was poisoned with novices. He was treated at the Charité University Clinic in Berlin for 32 days in an intensive care unit for 24 days. On September 23, his doctors said his condition had improved enough to continue his treatment in outpatient care. Spiegel reports that his condition is improving and he is preparing to return home.

The case prompted the EU to impose sanctions on several senior Russian officials, including Alexander Bortnyikov, director of the FSB. (MTI)

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