Medical Room: In the worst period of the epidemic so far, at 11 pm, we ask politicians to stop creating false illusions and accusations.


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In a statement, the Hungarian Medical Chamber addressed a request to “the Hungarian people, political and professional leaders, journalists and opinion formers in the media.”

“In the most serious period of the COVID-19 epidemic to date, at 11 p.m., we call on politicians to stop creating false illusions and accusations, deceiving and destabilizing the population.”

they write. They ask that “they do not want to forge political capital with the supply problems that result from the large number of diseases”, but that they act to solve local and national problems immediately.

“One of the conditions for an effective fight against the epidemic is cooperation, the other is the opportunity for a clear, honest and respectful speech. We ask everyone not to confuse the cries for help from doctors and health workers who have been fighting for months to save lives, their real situation and their daily struggles with political statements ”.

warns the Medical Room. They add that “the description of problems is not a criticism in search of those responsible, but an accumulation of tasks to be solved, in whose solution” the organization always wants to be a professional partner.
