Medical Chamber: do not tolerate the postponement of austerity measures in the epidemic!


The Hungarian Medical Chamber has sent several precise packages of proposals to the Hungarian government so that Hungary can curb the second wave of the epidemic. In a letter to Miklós Kásler, Resource, and Sándor Pintér, Minister of the Interior, they are asked not to completely subordinate economic interests to health challenges.

Photo: MTI Photo / Zoltán Balogh

In our deepest professional conviction, in light of the latest figures signaling the start of another wave that threatens catastrophe, immediate and effective measures from the Government are needed, the Hungarian Medical Chamber begins its letter to ministers.

  • Reaffirmation of community prevention (promotion and control of the use of masks, mass events, suspension of sporting events, widespread population tests, active government presence and example in communication, strong action against virus deniers and skeptics of the epidemic, local measures and not total in high-risk areas and institutions).
  • Prepare the health system to deal effectively with the second wave of the epidemic.

They indicate, they understand, that economic interest cannot be fully subordinated to epidemiological aspects, in our opinion the adoption of the above measures cannot be postponed, and they ask for the help of decision-makers and the cooperation of the population.

The government is already acknowledging that a second wave of the epidemic has reached Hungary, but in its view, coronavirus infections are still being introduced. Therefore, on September 1, the Hungarian borders were closed to citizens of all countries and then the original regulations were gradually relaxed. The relaxation decisions were last published on Friday.

The school year still started as usual, although several schools had to close due to the outbreak.

The data on Saturday morning set another record for the spread of the disease in Hungary: 510 new infections were identified in one day.
