Measures against the coronavirus epidemic went into effect at midnight, changing our lives


The extraordinary measures introduced by the Hungarian government in the face of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic will take effect from midnight on Tuesday. Among other things, a nationwide curfew will be enforced between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m., restaurants will close and stores will remain open for a limited time. The use of a mask will be mandatory in some public areas of settlements greater than 10,000. Supplies change our lives for at least thirty days, Origo summed up the most important information.

After the daily number of new infections increased, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that an extraordinary legal order would re-enter into force in Hungary from midnight on November 4. The Prime Minister also described new epidemiological measures. Now, after the parliamentary extension of the emergency, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has announced new measures, which have appeared in the Hungarian Gazette.

What do you need to know about the emergency?

Although there were already examples of this in the spring, at the time of the first wave of the epidemic, it is worth reviewing once again what exactly an emergency means and what the legal consequences are. Article 53 of the Basic Law establishes that the government can declare a state of emergency in the event of an elementary disaster or industrial accident that endangers the safety of life and property, and to avoid its consequences, and can introduce the measures specified in cardinal law. The cabinet lived with both, on the latter later.

A pandemic is an elementary disaster as it threatens the safety of life and property. But what does the government entitle the extraordinary legal system to? In such cases, it may issue a decree through which, under certain conditions, it may suspend the application of certain laws, repeal statutory provisions and take other extraordinary measures.

The emergency situation and the government decrees remain in force for a limited time, but with the consent of Parliament, the deadlines can be extended. As is well known, deputies approved a government bill on Tuesday on protection against the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic under an expedited procedure. Consequently, parliament extended the state of emergency for 90 days, allowing restrictive measures to take effect from midnight on Tuesday.

What rules should we pay attention to from now on?

Tuesday from midnight exit restriction It enters into force throughout the country, between eight in the afternoon and five in the morning.

The rule applies to everyone, so everyone has a duty to follow it.

The exemption from the provision may be granted to anyone who goes to work or goes home from there during the designated period, and this is also possible in exceptional cases. Anyone who finishes work after 8pm doesn’t mind asking for an employer certificate, as this will allow you to show the police that you have the right to stay out of your home. This also applies to night taxis: if stopped by a police officer, passengers must show that they are legally on the street.

The government decided today that farmers can take their dogs out without a time limit after eight o’clock at night.

A description of stricter rules for wearing masksPhoto: Márton Koncz – Origo

Restrictive measures include restaurants which should be closed temporarily. Home delivery is allowed, and factory canteens and canteens may operate. Taxis can also be included in the delivery.

Under government regulations the stores They close at seven in the afternoon. This rule also applies to supermarkets and other stores, as well as chain stores with the largest network. The hairdresser can remain open (neither masseuse nor personal trainer is included in the regulations), but curfew restrictions must be respected.

A Hotels Restrictions also apply: starting at midnight on Tuesday, only business guests are allowed, not tourists. In the first 30 days after closing, the state will refund 80 percent of reservations made through November 8. This is conditional on the employees not being fired and the hotel employees receiving their salary.

general event ban goes into effect under the new rules. At a family reunion, private events are open to a maximum of ten. Wedding It can only be done without a wedding, only the people necessary for the celebration, as well as parents, witnesses, siblings, can attend the ceremony. A maximum of fifty people can attend the funeral. Sports matches will be closed goalkeepers from now on.

Can be individually outdoors to exercise. However, amateur team sports are banned from midnight on Tuesday, so friends soccer, for example, will end for a while. THE leisure facilities (fitness rooms, indoor pools, museums, theaters, zoos) will be closed. The provisions also establish that restaurants and leisure facilities are not required to pay contributions during the thirty days after their closure. The state reimburses half of the workers’ salary, as long as the workers are not laid off and are paid.

A in higher education, and the Institute above the eighth grade, they return to distance and digital education. At the same time, all bedrooms should be closed. The rule does not apply to kindergartens, kindergartens, elementary school children under the age of 14, these institutions will remain open.

A hospital workers, teachers, kindergarten children and daycare workers with a quick test it will be tested, even if it only detects disease with 50 to 60 percent accuracy.

In an interview with the M1 on Tuesday evening, the Prime Minister reported on a new restrictive measure compared to the previous one: the wearing of a mask in public areas may be mandatory from midnight on Tuesday. This applies to settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants and detailed rules are drawn up by mayors.

How long will these rules remain in effect?

As Viktor Orbán described, the government introduced these measures for thirty days. However, this is

it can be expanded if necessary in light of changes in the epidemic situation.

It is important that everyone follows the prescribed rules.

Restaurants will be closed for at least thirty days starting Tuesday at midnight.Photo: Koncz Márton – Origo

Are there examples of such measures elsewhere?

The epidemic situation is much worse in several Western European countries than in Hungary. That’s why The main objective of the Hungarian government is to prevent the trend observed across the continent and the collapse of the health system.

In Austria, intensive beds cannot be provided to the elderly everywhere, and in Scotland, accident and emergency physicians are encouraged to provide a video call to the sick and injured. In France, some patients are transported to Germany, which is also overcrowded. In Naples, Italy, patients are already being cared for in cars parked in front of the hospital because there are not enough hospital beds.

The French have introduced one of the strictest epidemiological standards in Europe. Here is a national lockdown, according to which citizens can leave their homes only when necessary (food, work, health and family reasons). Visiting family and friends is currently prohibited and domestic travel is not allowed.

As is well known, the Hungarian government has introduced rules similar to the Austrian measures at home. On Austrian austerity we write in this article in detail.
