Measurements Suggest Coronavirus Outbreak May Increase Further in 11 County Capitals


The amount of hereditary coronavirus material in sewage samples is increasing in eleven county capitals and stagnating in eight, according to the National Center for Public Health (NNK) website. The highest concentration was measured in Békéscsaba this week.

According to our weekly data 44, the concentration of coronavirus measured in wastewater shows an increasing trend in most of the settlements studied by NNK, including the capital and the agglomeration. Sewage tests also provide information on asymptomatic or mildly asymptomatic infections, as they can also discharge the hereditary material of the virus, but would not be within the scope of epidemiology during traditional screening tests. Our investigations confirm that we are in a phase of strong rise of the second wave of the epidemic, so the individual responsibility to adhere to the tightening of the general precautionary measures as of November 2 is of utmost importance.

They wrote.

According to the map posted on the NNK website

  • Rosa in Békéscsaba,
  • Get off at Kaposvár and Debrecen,
  • in the other county capitals and in the northern, southern and central regions of Budapest, the concentration of coronavirus hereditary material measured in wastewater is moderate.

At the same time, the concentration shows an increasing trend in Békéscsaba, Székesfehérvár, three regions of Budapest, Kecskemét, Szekszárd, Szolnok, Szombathely, Tatabánya, Eger, Veszprém and Szeged.

However, the concentration is stagnant in Kaposvár, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Pécs, Salgótarján, Győr and Zalaegerszeg.

Featured Image: MTI / György Varga
