Matteo Salvini’s interrogation at the Catania court ended


The Italian Prime Minister, Conte, will also be heard by the court in the proceedings against Salvini.

Among others, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was summoned to a hearing by the Sicilian ministerial court in the trial of Liga party leader Matteo Salvini for the detention of a group of migrants, the Italian press reported on Saturday.

Matteo Salvini’s first preliminary hearing lasted four hours. The ministerial court has decided to hold more hearings on the case and will want to hear as witnesses the leader of the Prime Minister’s Five Star Movement (M5S), Luigi Di Maio, current Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese and former Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta and Danilo Toninelli as witnesses. Minister of Transport, responsible for ports. The next meeting was scheduled for November 20, followed by December 4. The prosecution requested the closure of the Matteo Salvini trial.

Scarecrow: pity that Matteo Salvini, not human traffickers, is brought to justice

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó finds it shameful that Matteo Salvini, a former Italian interior minister, is brought to justice and not against human traffickers. The minister recalled on his Facebook page on Saturday that Matteo Salvini had been summoned to a preliminary hearing for the detention of migrant groups in Italy.

Illegal immigration poses security, cultural and now serious health risks for Europe. As Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini has prevented “human trafficking gangs called NGOs” from bringing illegal immigrants to Italy and thus to Europe, wrote Péter Szijjártó, saying that all of Italy and Europe owe him thanks.


The lawsuit against Matteo Salvini has begun

Matteo Salvini’s first preliminary hearing in Sicily takes place at the same time as our broadcast. The president of the Italian right-wing party Liga had to go to court for not allowing a boat full of migrants to be moored last summer, not even as Interior Minister. In the port of Catania, solidarity demonstrations began near Salvini, while next to the court building, movements began to denigrate the politician. According to the Italian right-wing parties, the lawsuit is about dragging Salvini. Previously, Viktor Orbán also lent his support to the anti-immigration politician, who thanked the Hungarian prime minister through a Hír TV reporter.

Hír TV reporter Jánosi Dalma reports on developments in Salvini’s lawsuit

Matteo Salvini’s first trial begins today

Today is the first preliminary hearing of Matteo Salvini in Sicily. The president of the Italian right-wing party Liga has to stand trial because he did not allow a boat full of immigrants to be moored last summer, not even as interior minister. A politician in the port of Catania said yesterday that he had a clear conscience because he had saved lives and protected his people from illegal immigration. According to the Italian right-wing parties, the lawsuit is only about dragging Salvini. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán previously called Salvini’s migration policy a good fight. We report on developments in the lawsuit against Salvini several times during the day.

HírTV reports on the place of the lawsuit against Matteo Salvini. Follow our newsletters.

They are being brought to justice because I defended my country, saved lives, respected the law and woke up Europe, said former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the opposition League Party in Catania, Sicily, on Friday night. Salvini has now been summoned to a preliminary court hearing for the arrest of a group of migrants.

Matteo Salvini said he was aware that arresting non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was a risk, but never thought he would be brought to justice for doing his job as interior minister.

“I go calmly to court, I have a clear conscience because I saved lives and defended my country”

he stated. He explained that he would not speak at the first court hearing.

The former interior minister is due to appear with his lawyers in the Catania court on Saturday morning at the first preliminary hearing. The case concerns the arrest of a group of immigrants who reached the Sicilian coast on the Italian military ship Gregoretti last summer. You may be sued for another claim for refusing to moor the civilian vessel Open Arms.

“I have done my duty, I have halved the number of people who go to sea, no one curls on the boats, I have made Italy proud, I have obeyed the law, I have awakened Europe.”

– hangoztatta Matteo Salvini.

He claimed that he could not allow Italy to become an immigrant camp in Europe.

He noted that this is the first time in Europe that a minister has been brought to justice for the decisions of his government.

Before the court hearing, the League Party held a series of political meetings in the open air in the port of Catania, which ended with a public interview with Matteo Salvini. His words were heard by thousands with posters and T-shirts that read “Do me justice too!” It will also be the motto of the solidarity demonstration on Saturday with Salvini.

Matteo Salvini announced that the League will hold another mobilization in Milan on November 7 and in Rome on November 21, outlining the party’s government program. Our first steps will be to ease tensions between politics and the courts, he explained.

He believed that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and his government no longer represented Italy and that if there were now parliamentary elections, the right would be in government. “Conte and his associates have suspended democracy, we will not allow them to detain 60 million Italians for another two years,” said Matteo Salvini.

The demonstration with Salvini will be joined by Giorgia Meloni, president of the Italian Brothers (FdI), among others. Meloni said they are taking to the streets in defense of democracy: “If a minister is brought to justice because he did not do what the mainstream demanded, then democracy is over in Italy,” said Meloni.

Salvini is opposed by left-wing groups, NGOs and the left-wing Democratic Party (PD). The court building and its surroundings have been closed, with five hundred more police officers monitoring security in Catania on Saturday.

Related material:

Matteo Salvini’s trial begins on Saturday – News TV reports on the scene

MTI / TV News
