Mass vaccination of Israelis will begin on December 27


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced at a press conference that night that mass vaccination of the population in Israel would begin on December 27, commercial television reported 12.

Netanyahu also said in a press conference with Health Minister Juli Edelstein that 60,000 vaccines are planned to be delivered a day after the first vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech arrived at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport to test shipping, including from pilot way. load.

Netanyahu said: to encourage people, he will be the first to get vaccinated.

Photo: Yonathan Sindel / AFP

In addition to the first vaccine Pfeizer and BioNTech, products from Moderna, AstraZeneca and other pharmaceutical companies are also expected to be used in Israel in the future.

Jerusalem already ordered a new technology vaccine similar to Moderna and Pfeizer and BioNTech this summer. The new method uses a human-like but harmless genetic code to train human immune cells to recognize and kill the real virus.

Edelstein said another relief will be introduced, from now on after 2 negative tests, those forced to do so will be able to come out of quarantine after 10 days instead of the previous 12 days.

People who have already been vaccinated are expected to receive a “green card” or “passport”, and it is not yet clear whether they will be able to visit shopping centers, sports centers and gyms, for example, in the form of a telephone application or a magnetic card.

After the government rejected the already voted plan to introduce a night curfew due to legal hurdles, it is reportedly considering a ban on visiting other homes between 5:30 pm and midnight during the 8-day Hanukkah holiday. , which begins Thursday night. (Among the Jewish population, it is customary for families and friends to get together and light a candle in an 8-branch Hanukkah candleholder together every day.)

In Israel, a second national quarantine was introduced in mid-September, which has not yet been fully lifted, but despite this, the number of new infections has started to rise again in recent weeks, and today the number of active carriers of the virus has once again exceeded 15,000. (MTI)

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