Mask diplomacy has begun: Orbán has been negotiating the purchase of a Slovenian port


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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“There are strategic issues underpinning long-term cooperation with Slovenia on the table, and a solution has been launched,” Viktor Orbán told public media in Bled, Slovenia. According to the MTI report, Prime Minister Janez Jansa discussed a number of options with the Slovenian Prime Minister, which Orbán said.

In addition to the assistance provided by Hungary to Slovenia during the coronavirus epidemic, the “spiritual base” may be the national communities.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, it was a question

  • on the interconnection of high-voltage power lines in Hungary and Slovenia,
  • in a failed pipeline development program,
  • on the development of air connections,
  • and the “very sensitive” subject of the construction of the port of Koper and the railway line to it.

Orbán said about the latter, that Hungary is happy to participate in this, because although it has already bought a port in Trieste, Italy, it is also interested in Koper if it suits Slovenia.

Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher / MTI / MTVA

Viktor Orbán told public media that Hungary was in a position to help its most troubled neighbors in the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, and Slovenia was in serious trouble at the time, so Hungary helped him. Slovenia is a grateful nation and it has not forgotten it, that is why today they recalled the Hungarian assistance.

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