Mansion: compensation must be paid to Roma students in Gyöngyöspata


On Tuesday, the Curia issued a ruling on the so-called segregation lawsuit in Gyöngyöspata, in which the defendants (local school, local government and the competent tank district) filed a request for compensation review for Roma students.

The defendants also requested that, if this were not possible, the amount payable to the 60 applicants be reduced.

However, the Supreme Judicial Forum rejected the request and confirmed the final judgment of the Debrecen Board of Arbitration.“The mansion is governed by the Civil Code of 1959. Based on the wording of the law, its justification, as well as the decades of judicial practice and legal literature of the legal institution, established that the only way to grant compensation for non-pecuniary damages is to apply monetary damages and compensation in kind. Monetary damages and additional training can only be activated by an out-of-court agreement of the parties, ”explained Curia, who saw no basis for reducing the amount of damages, since the appeals court evaluated the circumstances of the case and jurisprudence. duly justified

As is well known, the issue of damage in Gyöngyöspat was an important issue for the government before the coronavirus attacked, and in addition to keeping it on the agenda, even among the announced issues of the planned national consultation was whether the compensation awarded by an independent court was fair.

Viktor Orban At the press conference earlier this year, he himself made the matter a national matter when he called for compensatory money earned without work, which he said cannot be paid. Later, in an interview with state radio, he said directly that

We give everything, but we cannot give money.

He added that it would harm the Hungarians’ sense of justice to pay “nothing” and that the court decision was backed by “the Red Soros”, which later echoed pro-government politicians and opinion leaders.

The government recommended to the affected families that the compensation not be used in cash, but through education and training programs, but they did not accept the offer.

Image: The Free Court! Free Accounts! Participants in a march demonstration in Kossuth Square on February 23, 2020. Photo: János Marjai /
