Manfred Weber: Without the rule of law, there is no money


Effective control of the European Union’s external borders is at the forefront of the community’s new asylum migration policy, Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) faction in the European Parliament, said in an interview. with a German newspaper on Tuesday that reviewed the MTI.

In an interview published in front of the European Commission proposals on Wednesday, Die Welt Manfred weber to the suggestion that the new EU asylum policy is expected to play a role in Angela Merkel The German Chancellor wanted to enforce the 2015 refugee crisis, highlighting:

The mistake of 2015 was that the European debate focused almost exclusively on solidarity, focusing on the mechanism governing the distribution of asylum seekers between EU Member States, and border security and the repatriation of applicants. rejected asylum. Therefore, a balanced asylum policy is needed in the future that strikes a balance between humanitarianism, assistance and control.

Manfred Weber said.

A working border control is a precondition for everything, he added.

If we do not secure and protect the EU’s external border, human trafficking gangs, the mafia or Turkish President Erdogan will decide who comes to Europe. This is unacceptable. Europe must decide for itself who can come

He explained.

He stressed the need for Europe to remain a continent of humanity, that is, to provide protection from political persecution and those who urgently need it.

It must be decided on the basis of humanitarian criteria, taking into account first of all the most fallen people, not the 22-year-olds who are economically well-off in a refugee camp.

Manfred Weber said.

A politician from the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) also spoke about the relationship between the EU and Turkey, stressing that accession negotiations must be completed and Turkey must be told that it will not be a member of the EU.

Regarding the EU budget for the seven-year cycle starting in 2021 and programs to offset the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the European Parliament political group said the money could only be spent properly if journalists were free. to work and uncover corruption and abuse, and whether the courts, acting independently, can look at the nails of those in power.

Therefore, billions in the EU can only come if everyone adheres to the rule of law.

He added:

I have heard from Poland or other countries that the rule of law is being applied, and if that is really the case, then there is no need to worry about tying EU funding to the rule of law.

He noted that the adoption of the EU budget and recovery fund to counter the effects of the epidemic also requires the consent of the European Parliament.

This contribution is only possible if the so-called rule of law mechanism is applied, which links aid to the rule of law.

Otherwise, Member States will not receive the billions from the EU on January 1. No rule of law, no money

Manfred Weber said.

Featured Image: AFP
