Manfred Weber joined the elite left wing club


Viktor Orbán: Reply to Manfred Weber – Samizdat No. 5. Manfred Weber described Hungary’s policy as a mistake among the German public. This policy has ruled Hungary for ten years. At the start of COVID, unemployment had dropped from 12 percent to less than 4 percent, public debt from 84 percent to less than 66 percent, the minimum wage had more than doubled, and the average wage had almost fallen. doubled, while household financial wealth had almost tripled. GDP has grown 2-3 percent faster than the European average since 2014, and we spend proportionally most of our money in Europe on family support, culture and sports, providing nurseries, kindergartens, and school meals and school books. Free text for Hungarian children, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote in response to the leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament (EP) on Wednesday. The Prime Minister’s Press Office informed MTI in a statement about the letter.

Would that be the wrong way?

It is a well known fact that Manfred Weber resents Hungary. We blame ourselves for not fulfilling the ambitions of the President of the European Commission. This is true. But is it permissible for the leader of a family of European parties to distort his clairvoyance in this way of personal anger and even hatred? Even if it is humanly understandable, it is not correct. We hope that our leaders will strengthen our partisan family, increase their weight and influence, be stronger together than we would be with a simple mathematical addition.

Manfred Weber joined the elite club of the left, where an incapable European political geometry is in vogue. According to this, the right has only one advantage, so its very existence is itself a constant threat: fascism, Nazism, nationalism, anti-Semitism and homophobia. The left, on the other hand, is only in the middle, so there should be no threat to popular ideals, or to freedom, or to democracy, or to the market economy. That is why the Weberans lock to the right. The British were drawn first from the EPP and then the union, the conservative faction led by PiS cannot be a partner, and it is better to get rid of the suspected Christian conservatives of Fidesz.

Doors must open to the left. Let the Social Democrats come, then the left liberals, soon the Greens, and who knows where the end will be. In vain, there is no stop on the slope.

The people of Brussels must also understand that our contempt for Marx, Lenin and communism in Central Europe is no less than that of the Nazis and National Socialism.
Politicians who aspire to an office in Brussels must understand that Central Europe will never renounce its Christian values, the culture of the nation or its belief in the traditional and, for us, single-family model.

Those who aspire to a leadership position in Brussels must understand that the goal is not to culturally and liberally homogenize Europe, but to build an alliance of free nations.

A politician running for office in Brussels is never easy if he is German. An ambitious politician in Brussels can never forget this. It is wrong to try to force migrants on us instead of accepting cultural and historical differences, threatening us with sanctions, withdrawals, starvation and various other torture. It is a mistake to deny the existence of national sovereignty, as Weber does. It is a mistake to want to place the European Parliament above national parliaments, as Weber suggests, and to look to the future in majority decision-making, that is, the oppression of smaller countries, rather than the unanimous decisions envisaged in the Treaty of the European Union. It’s not easy, but you can follow that particular needle step. Everyone, it seems, can be successful.

Viktor Orban
