Manfred Weber deciphered the motivations of Viktor Orbán


Right-wing populists want to separate the right from the political center and seek to divide society, paving the way for a “left-wing Europe,” he emphasized. Manfred weber, the leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) faction in the European Parliament (EPP) in a letter published on Sunday about the termination of his membership in the Fidesz faction.

According to MTI, Manfred Weber stated in the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag that Viktor Orban the prime minister, the president of Fidesz, “closed the door on the EPP faction with a big bang” and his “dreams of power politics” try to lead a right-wing populist party in the European Union. He explained that the EPP is one of the guarantees of a well-financed regional policy for the benefit of weaker regions, migration restrictions, a functioning border guard, reconciliation and integration of the West and the East.

The PPE has also ensured for decades that family policy is a national competence. The founding fathers of the EU are Christian Democrats, among others Alcide de Gasperi or even Konrad adenauer all were also conservative on family policy issues, but believed in a democratic, constitutional state, liberal democracy, and the value of social cohesion.

For them, the EU was not a “convenience store”, nor a setting for unleashing selfish ambitions. They were supporters of the “leading European culture”, whose community spirit allowed not only the development of a strong Europe, but also Hungary, as the largest net beneficiary of the EU in terms of aid per capita, highly lucrative solidarity, wrote Manfred Weber .

He added that Viktor Orbán had broken with this “Christian Democratic legacy” of the EPP and “fell on the neck of the nationalist parties, which – when they had to confess – mobilized repulsive prejudices and fought against Hungary’s accession to the EU.” The “new friends of Viktor Orbán, Wilders, Le Pen and AfD dream of a Europe of the first and second class ”, they look for opponents, they want a division between right and left, and they are inciting hatred. Right-wing populists want to separate the right from the political center and mistake fuss for action. On the contrary, Christian Democrats are defenders of common Western-European values, reject nationalistic selfishness and seek to unite European societies.

Right-wing populists, on the other hand, are opening the door to a “left Europe” just to get a more effective image of the enemy, the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) politician wrote.

The “best remedy for this devastating social division is the strong Christian Democratic parties at the political center,” MTI Webert is quoted as saying.
