Mandatory use of mask, curfew – New rules have been published


The government has announced the latest protection measures the Government Information Center told MTI on Tuesday night.
The communication emphasized that the government had evaluated the epidemiological situation in Hungary and the measures taken so far. On this basis, he concluded that, in addition to maintaining the measures taken so far, more protective measures are needed to reduce the number of coronavirus diseases and the burden on hospitals.

Wednesday from zero – between 8 pm and 5 am – no curfew, everyone should be home by 8 pm One case of exemption from curfew is work, which, however, must be justified.

All meetings are prohibited.

Restaurants are not welcome. Guests can only dine in the restaurant. The government reduces the administrative burden of home delivery and taxi drivers can participate in the task. Factory canteens may be open.

The stores – excluding pharmacies and gas stations – they can stay open until 7 pm, and then at the expiration of the curfew, They can be opened at 5 in the morning at the earliest. Providers and services not covered by these Regulations (such as hairdressers, masseurs, personal trainers) can operate normally under the no-exit rules.

The hotels do not accept tourists, only guests arriving for business, economic or educational reasons.

It is forbidden to carry out any type of event., including cultural events, and Christmas fairs. Religious community ceremonies may be held at the discretion of the religious community. In this context, the government asked the religious communities to define the rules of conduct in their ceremonies in accordance with the general rules.

Sports matches must be held behind closed doors.

Individual outdoor sports are allowed. According to applicable law, competitive athletes cannot be restricted in this activity.

The use of leisure facilities is prohibited., including in particular fitness rooms, indoor pools, museums, libraries, cinemas and zoos, skating rinks.

Nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools are open until the eighth grade as usual, with special institutional protection measures determined by the principal. Secondary schools From 9th grade on digital work schedule they work. Colleges and universities operate at the discretion of the school principal.

Universities, digital agenda of schools go ahead. Universities of higher education institutions will be closed, the Rector may establish exceptions. Residence may be granted, in particular, to foreign and cross-border students and those who comply with the official obligation of home quarantine in the dormitory.

Private and family events (for example, a birthday) can be saved if to ten take part.
At a funeral at most fifty they can be.

Weddings without wedding can be done, but only specific people can attend the event.

They also mentioned that employees of hospitals, schools, kindergartens, kindergartens and those who work in social institutions must undergo weekly tests, in accordance with an independent government decree.

The rules introduced so far to carry and maintain the distance remain valid, with the following: settlements with more than 10 thousand inhabitants in some public areas the use of a mask is mandatory.

It is the responsibility of the mayor to designate the areas. Wearing a mask during sports activities, as well as in parks and green areas, is not yet mandatory, the Government Information Center said.
