Mandatory coronavirus detection was voted: would this be the solution in the second wave?


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Gergely Röst, a professor of mathematics at the University of Szeged, who is a member of the research group supporting the work of decision makers, emphasized in an interview with Portfolio that the efficiency of testing and contact tracking must be urgently improved. . The researcher also said that

The test has several functions. On the one hand, there is a clinical function: if someone is sick, they are tested, and then they know in which room they should be placed, what treatment they need. On the other hand, it has an observation function: it is important to know as precisely as possible how many patients there are in the country, in which region they are typically found, in which group of society. Thanks to this, we understand the scope of the epidemic, on the basis of which specific measures can be planned. The third important role is that if we find an infected person, we isolate them, thus breaking the chains of contagion.

Not only researchers, but also the general public, consider it important to carry out regular tests for coronavirus, at least in certain jobs. This is supported by the results of a survey conducted by the Money Center.

63.2 percent of the respondents said that the results of the PCR tests were reliable (reliability was scored on a scale of 10 to 7-10). In the case of antibody tests, 58.7 consider the result to be more or less reliable.

Relatively few respondents would feel the importance of testing the entire population without screening. However, there are jobs in which they are considered to have a higher risk of being infected or transmitted by the coronavirus. It would be more important for those who work in health (83.9%), schools, kindergartens, nurseries (79.5%), hospitality (77%), grocery stores (76.4%) and the food industry ( 74.6%). population with periodic testing.

The survey also reveals what the Hungarian population thinks, what methods could be used to curb the second wave of the epidemic beyond regular testing until there is a vaccine. Detailed results can be viewed here.

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