Majka’s coronavirus status deteriorated, he was returned to the hospital


After disappearing for several days, Majka reappeared on YouTube when it turned out that she was back in the hospital.

She was discharged from the hospital for her little one’s birthday, but during the time she was home she got worse, she couldn’t roll from side to side while lying in bed, she was very weak and couldn’t drink, although it would have been important due to his high fever. He was returned to the hospital on Friday due to another inflammation and is expected to remain there for days, this time only to be discharged once he is fully well.

I’m on the ninth day now, that’s when I used to be even more critical. Hopefully it doesn’t hurt, “Majka said at the live check-in, who still smells and smells and has no cough symptoms. But they recovered quickly, got better in a day.

“Yesterday I could not register, I cannot say otherwise,” he responded to those who missed me in recent days, as he says, he was very weak and tired all day today. On Monday he will go for a lung X-ray, then it turns out that his body has responded to the drugs.
