According to him, there is not enough blood for this dr. In the Gödény nugget.
There is one inflammatory lab result that went down and there is another one that went down more. That’s right, I don’t know what to do. always in embers values, but you may not need to. But the upshot of this is how soon I can go home
– given news about your status Mother in his many Covid diaries that he has been doing on YouTube since he was hospitalized for the coronavirus.
I have seen that Gödény is positive in principle. Speaking of this video, I’ve had enough of those idiots from Gödény. I can’t imagine what this guy imagines, what he thinks about this disease, but I’m not sure he thinks it with common sense. The point is, I would like to invite this Mr. Gödény here. Come here, come to the intensive care unit, if you have blood in your cunt. Come stay a few days. No one should get this virus, but I want this man to come see me. Stay here for a few days to see the sisters what they do. Without mask! You don’t think this virus exists anyway. It is not necessary to talk about Covid, only that we are, we exist, catch lightning, eat my food, drink my tea
Majka explained as the nurse entering the room drew blood from him.
According to him, dr. Gödény doesn’t have the courage to get in, but if he does, it drags him through the Covid class.
He denies the seriousness of this, the existence of this virus.
Featured Image: YouTube.com/Majkaofficial