Luxury villa grew up in Budapest –


According to a press release, the Budapest II. A businessman of Arab descent built a property much larger than allowed in the district building regulations in Rózsadomb.

The construction of the villa of Roseer Hamdan, a Jordanian businessman in Rose Hill, which lasted for years, has been completed for years, writes This property also indicates that the businessman is not a small clue: he also owns the Paris Courtyard. From anywhere we looked at the property, it looked much larger than district rules allowed, a source at mentioned a triple overbuild.

Later, aerial photographs showed that there was not much green space left on the parcel, at least as little as the district’s building regulations provide.

The Jordanian businessman has lived in Budapest for a long time, with his current business partner, Awad Zuhair Fathi, who arrived in the 1980s. Hamdan attended university here, learned Hungarian, and then settled here after graduation. He first worked as a currency exchange partner with whom he switched to the tourist hostel operation in the 1990s to open luxury hotels as early as the 2010s.

In recent years, much of the news about Hamdan has been about brilliant developments, his role in tourism, state awards and other accolades, all of which have been awarded the civic section of the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary this year.
