Zoos are also being hit by measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

coronavirus pandemic

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The head of a zoo in Germany admitted that a plan had been drawn up in case they were unable to feed some of their animals due to loss of income due to the coronavirus epidemic. The plan is to feed some animals with others.

The head of the Neumünster Zoo said that Die Weltthat the animals to be slaughtered have already been counted. Verena Kaspari acknowledged that it would be very unpleasant and that they would only come to this scenario if there was no other solution, but added that even this would not solve their problems because, for example, their seals and penguins catch large amounts of fish every day. consume.

“If we get here, we will put the animals to sleep instead of starving them.”

He stated.

The Neumünster Zoo is not a member of an association for which the German State provides emergency assistance and is therefore self-reliant. According to Kaspari, his business will only lose € 175,000 in revenue in the spring due to lack of visitors.

the BBC He writes that German zoos are asking for donations and lobbying the state for a € 100 million rescue package. The Association of German Zoos (VdZ) argues that these institutions, unlike many other companies, cannot simply suspend their activities to reduce their expenses, since the animals have to be taken care of and fed continuously and some feathers are also heated.

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Life and Style

Caregivers have high hopes for a baby panda.

MTI / hvg.hu

This is the first time that the virus has been detected in tigers and lions.
