The song, written by Áron Molnár, composed a song about the events around the University of Theater and Film Arts.

Another flavor was published by Áronék Molnár from the clip of his new song, which deals with the einstand of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE). Among the other artists, Zsolt László, Pa-Dö-Dő and Kriszta Bíró also appear in the video.

On Friday it was revealed that the board of trustees of the foundation that would take over the ownership of the institution, chaired by Attila Vidnyánszky, would take away practically all powers from the management. The SZFE Senate put it this way: all the essential elements of university autonomy will be abolished.

According to the new basic documents already signed by Vidnyánszky, “according to the intentions of the new owner, as of September 1, the Senate, the main decision-making body of the university, can no longer decide on its own regulations, it does not have the right to appoint independently from department heads and teachers, to start classes, ”they wrote.

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ITM: The consultation was canceled by the leaders and students of the Performing Arts


Only the rector turned to the ministry, said the innovation ministry, which did not elect the nominees by the institution’s leadership to the university’s board of directors, which took over ownership of the university, or to its supervisory board.
Life + Style

The Theater and Film Football Club seems to have formed.