With all his weight, he fell onto his neck as if trying to do a backflip.

The little girl from TikTokozó in Budapest broke her neck for lack of hair, writes the National Ambulance Service on its Facebook page. The 12-year-old wanted to do a backflip for the sake of video, on concrete in a parking lot.

He turned on the camera and embarked on a maneuver without any preparation, they write, but on his first attempt he fell to his neck with all his weight.

It could even have caused a lifetime injury, they write. Ambulances that arrived within minutes examined and cared for the girl, who was eventually transported to the hospital in stable condition with full body restraint.

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More details about the moderation policies that apply to TikTok have been revealed. The development company claims it no longer applies the guidelines.

They found out how much Hungarian TikTok stars earn


Anyone who has uploaded at least 1,500 videos, collected more than 20 million likes, and more than 300,000 people follow can earn up to $ 100,000 per video.