In August, we were not only forced to say goodbye to the summer, but we also had to account for our losses. We knew we were going to close the month without an island, but we also learned that we might also cancel Holiday Book Week this year. Meanwhile, Attila Vidnyányszky raised his flag at the University of Theater and Film Arts, and Előd Novák removed the flags from the mayor’s offices. It was August in the Cult and Life + Style column.

Attila Vidnyányszky may never have received as many messages as this month. Since the last paragraph of one of the announcements of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology revealed only incidentally that the Director General of the National Theater became the president of the board of directors of the University of Theater and Cinema Foundation, the theater people appear a after another with ads, Facebook posts, interviews and videos. to send you a message. It is not as if these messages have reached their destination.

The dialogue that Vidnyánszky has so lofty and so passionately promised in all his declarations is, for the moment, developing in parallel.

To initiate dialogue, professional discussions, clash well-founded positions. This is the task for the next few months

Vidnyánszky gave the instruction in an interview with Origo himself.

How do you foresee a dialogue based on mutual respect, what will be the first sentence?

The Senate of the University of Theater and Cinema asked in a statement.

As far as we know, the dialogue has been going on ever since. The messages remained.

Attila Vidnyánszky


According to György Cserhalmi: what will happen to the university and the Hungarian theater profession will be decided by time, and critics of the current situation can decide, but according to him, Vidnyánszky too.

According to Miklós Szinetár, the appointment of Attila Vidnyánszky as chairman of the board of directors is more than a mistake and he should resign just because of his own pride.

According to Eliza Sodró, the ball bounces off Vidnyánszky to set an example, “because you are the grace of the current course”. That is why she said, “Dad! I beg you to resign from any position on the SZFE board of directors!”

According to Gábor Székely, “admiring ourselves is the betrayal of our profession” and he sent a message to Vidnyánszky that

Apologize for your serious mistakes or be ashamed of yourself!

At the same time, as of September 1, he terminated his contract, the work he started, if the teachers of the class demand it, will continue without pay.

According to Ildikó Bánsági, force prevailed, and in an interview with, he said he was in pain because Vidnyánszky was appointed on the basis of power rather than argument. Ildikó Bánsági resigned at the National Theater.

Ildikó Bánsági


According to Árpád Schilling, Attila Vidnyánszky laments, despite the fact that he already has everything, and called the professors of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts “baggage” only because they dared to say that the founding process of the institution without intentions democratic and fair professional work.

According to Tamás Jordán, “the Pope of our theatrical life today is Attila Vidnyánszky”, who proclaimed himself and was sanctified by the authorities. As Pope, he lives without a doubt. However, sometimes it has to become insecure.

According to Andrea Fullajtár, “within a year, chaos will dismantle the University of Theater and Film Arts”, and she will only continue to teach at the university so that students do not lose their teacher overnight.

According to Áron Molnár Attila Vidnyánszky and his team He did not respect the five points of the students of the University of Theater and Cinema, for which he himself does not deserve respect.

According to the interim rector László Upor, the board of directors just placed above them is a crude provocation.

According to Judit Csáki, “the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts will be“ salamised ”in a scenario similar to the case of Kaposvár.

Back to the movies!

We take as a sign of the positive changes that we have been able to face more and more films this month. I mean, not only with the productions consumed from the universe of domestic sofas by restrictions and prohibitions, but with real NEWS.

For example, we could ask Kornél Mundruczó that his new movie had been made and we learned that Shia LaBeouf had called him four hours after reading the script.

Kornél Mundruczó and his co-creator, Kata Wéber


It also turned out this month that you could compete for the Golden Globe in Pilate In our interview, director Linda Dombrovszky talked about how to sensitively film a very burdened mother-daughter relationship and why it is important to try to love her as the other person needs.

And after much uncertainty, Christopher Nolan’s new movie, Tenetet, which eventually became not one of the most anticipated shows of the season, but To the presentation He had moved on, and also had to grow up to the task of luring the cinema to the couches that had been in front of Netflix during the quarantine months. How justified was the big uproar? We had an opinion on this.

And if you’re already Nolan, we’ve also looked at how much of this year’s 10-year blockbuster, the Origin. It’s just a surprise in such uncertain times that we got to see this in the movies again.

It was supposed to be, but it wasn’t

However, the backlog list was still large, especially since it was pretty dense for the August events anyway. One of the largest spaces was left by the destroyed island, so we organized our own surrogate island.

Was empty


For a while, it even seemed like there would be a Holiday Book Week, in September this would have been the only major book event held offline. But then this too was dropped. And yet, according to György Dragomán, it really could have been arranged if each publisher exhibited a football team, and “if circles of lightning had to be made (interrupted by readings and conversations) with teams of readers, would have allowed “.

And there was no Pride parade due to the coronavirus, but the celebration of warm pride was not missed, especially since the Hungarian movement turned 25 this year. On August 14, for the first time since the change of regime, the flag of the LGBTQ community was placed on the facade of the Mayor’s Office, to be dragged by Előd Novák with the colors of Our Country, and then deployed in the municipality of Újbuda with the same action. We do not know if the politician who complied with the proceedings also complied with the call of András Péter Kovács, but it turned out what those who chose the celebration thought:

both comic and tragic.

The flag is flying


It was that it will be, and it became

August still had two major appearances in the shop: a book came out of the press promising to tell the truth about the Prince and Princess of Sussex’s breakup with the British royal family, but we believe In the footsteps of freedom his truth is quite one-sided and he also knows a bit of revenge.

And the most beloved television series, according to many, has begun. Song composer fourth series, which has long since moved to YouTube, but the creators do not care at all. It even turned out that András Hajós no longer wants to be funny at all costs.

As for weddings, we had to say that August is the new May.

The former editorial office of has essentially ceased to exist, the country has lost its most read online interface. This is one of the most serious blows to the independent Hungarian press and freedom of information to date. The number of independent power editorial boards is steadily declining, and those that still exist are trying to stay afloat in a growing headwind. At HVG, we persevere, not giving in to pressure to bring in national and international news every day.

That is why we ask you, our readers, to support us, support us, join our membership and renew it!

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