On the occasion of Easter, the cardinal spoke that due to the epidemic that lasted a year, many were bitter, but found that the systems of care, family, parishes and parish had been strengthened despite the isolation.

God also loves faithfully in trouble, and this year it is especially important that we realize this in ourselves.

– said Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, on the occasion of Easter.

Peter Erdő recalled: At the end of the Last Supper, Jesus sang the so-called hallel psalms closing his cedar evening. The final Psalm 118 may have been the last one that Jesus sang or prayed to the disciples. Its final lines say:

Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good, because he loves us forever.

And Jesus, consciously, preparing himself for his suffering, his death on the cross, gave thanks to the Father.

The cardinal described it as important that at Easter this year also “we can give thanks to God”, who loves us forever and does not leave us in trouble.

Péter Erdő also spoke about the fact that while the year-long epidemic exhausted everyone, many people are bitter, he finds that the care systems, family, parishes and parishes have been strengthened despite isolation. In one year, it has become natural for community members to pay more attention to each other and not allow themselves or others to isolate themselves.

He also said that they are not afraid that believers will run away from the church due to the restrictions imposed at the time of the epidemic. For now, “the opposite of this works”, many are calling when to finally attend Mass, where to sacrifice. And we cannot wait “to improve the epidemiological situation, ease restrictions, make everything work as usual and make the wishes of the faithful come true.”

Péter Erdő, on whether humanity will continue its life in the same place after the epidemic, where it stopped in early 2020, replied that he does not expect a huge change, such as a fracture, but life will not be exactly the same it was. He cited the growing role of virtual space as an example.

He said he has attended a series of international conferences online in recent months, and congregations of the Holy See have also held their plenary sessions online.

He noted that it is true that it is exhausting three and a half hours to sit in front of the computer, but it is less time consuming and less heavy than flying from one side to another. More importantly, they use kerosene much less harmful to the environment if they hold some of the meetings and conferences online.

Of course, a face-to-face meeting also has a lot of content and message that cannot be replaced by telecommunications. In vain they try to hold many events and church ceremonies online, they feel a painful lack of parties, hen parties, spiritual exercises to meet and train priests and meetings with secular staff, teachers of faith, ward leaders, sometimes regular. “It will be a great experience to meet again,” he added.

The cardinal also noted that preparations for the World Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, which was postponed from autumn 2020 to September this year due to the pandemic, continue during the epidemic, regularly consulting with the Holy See and developing at least three scenarios. . according to the different possible epidemiological situations. But whatever comes true, everyone has to be prepared, and that is very difficult due to the total uncertainty, “he said. As an example, he mentioned the logistics, invitation and registration of guests from abroad, that it is almost impossible to start with hotels that cannot receive guests and not know when to open them.

He added that no matter how things turn out, they are likely to face some very intense work in the month or two before the congress.

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Péter Erdő: If you can finally find the antidote to the virus, it will also be a gift from the creative God.


According to the cardinal, it is important that priests do not give their heads to socialize and clown on social networks, but also use this forum faithfully for the mission of the church.

There are places where churches prepare for Easter with mobile apps and ozone disinfection elsewhere.

Life + Style

It is highly variable where, in the middle of the third wave of the epidemic, personal participation in festive liturgies will be allowed, and where it will only be possible to follow the events online or on television.