cinema – film series

Partizan announced that FreeSZFE had “banned” its film Stupid Youth for Protesters for the Autonomy of the University of Theater and Cinema, so it would not be screened. FreeSZFE, however, says that the community has not prohibited anything.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest news from the SZFE scandal in our series of articles.

Dear audience, ‘Stupid Youth’, scheduled for release on Friday (March 26) starting at 6pm our movie has been banned

Partizan, an online television channel, said on Facebook late Thursday night. “Today, the FreeSZFE community has made the decision not to contribute to the release of our film. This decision should not have any binding effect on the editorial function and autonomy of Partizán, but we did make the decision to understand the decision of the community, “they wrote, adding that the community’s demand for the autonomy of the SZFE” does not it has a legal basis “, but yes. They don’t want to conflict with them, they” temporarily “refuse to release the film. also contacted the FreeSZFE community, who responded to Partizan’s announcement that it was not a ban, but that no agreement had been reached with the film’s actors on acting and that consent would be required. of the actors (disclaimer) for the presentation. .

The FreeSZFE community has no right to ban any artwork.

It is not the contribution of the FreeSZFE community that is needed to publish Partizan’s film Stupid Youth, but the personal contribution of the actors to the use of their footage: the FreeSZFE Association and SZFE HÖK have spent the last two weeks drawing the attention of the producer and creators to the actors and to convince them of the need to obtain them ”, they write.

They add: “The inalienable provision of personality rights is an indisputable ethical, moral and legal issue, the ignorance of which we have verified with sincere frustration, especially with regard to university personnel whose existence depends on performance. We want to draw the authors’ attention to what seems to be blurred: the making of documentaries is not a press job, but a personal and trustworthy genre, just as the actors respect creative autonomy, the creator has a duty to respect the actors. “self-determination”.

In his statement, Partizán wrote that it was an insoluble dilemma for them to insist on their independence, causing them to “fight” or withdraw from the presentation, which in turn deemed the efforts of their own staff to be null. “We find this dilemma in itself problematic and unacceptable. We made and continue to maintain the principle during the filming of the film that the adversary is not the university bourgeoisie, but the aggressive power that makes the university bourgeoisie impossible ”.

Documentary film director Máté Bartha, a former SZFE student who graduated in 2018, wrote on Facebook about the case: “The FreeSZFE community contacted the Partizán editorial office because most of the people in the film not only did not They were allowed to appear, but simply did not even know of the film’s existence. Seeing the cameraman on camera is no excuse, and Partizan knows exactly that. In an hour and a half documentary, it is an ethical duty to be in contact with the actors, with all the actors, so that the creator does not live with them again, but with the trust they receive. (…) Partizan could have consulted with selected actors, but the FreeSZFE statement shows that this could have meant a maximum of a minority. “

Partizan finally decided to “assess and process” the situation before making a decision and hopefully finding a solution with FreeSZFE on the presentation. FreeSZFE told our newspaper about this: “We hope that Partizan will use the time gained in temporarily postponing the release of the film to restore legal clarity.”

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The master plan has been completed: this is how SZFE students are rescued to foreign universities

Fanni Czeglédi – Hanna Csatlós
Life + Style

Five European universities can formally admit 150 students from the University of Theater and Film: the institutions have committed to recognizing students’ credits to date and helping them continue to work with their professors within the Freeszfe Association. Meanwhile, education has already started at Freeszfe, where Béla Tarr will also teach soon.

Few applied for the SZFE, despite the Vidnyánszky people claiming otherwise

Bálint Kovács
Life + Style

Although the new leaders of the University of Theater and Film Arts have found an uncontrollable figure, from which it can be deduced mathematically that this year more people applied than last year, all the really important data shows that the decrease in the number of applicants is historical.