A Kossuth award has already been nominated for Péter Majoros “Majka”, who has appeared a lot not recently as a rapper, but not even as a presenter, but with his corona virus diary uploaded to YouTube. Majka has been battling the disease for more than three weeks, while she says we still don’t talk enough about the suffering that coronavirus causes beyond death. The rapper, meanwhile, is considering moving to YouTube and also explained why it is from him that people are willing to hear what he needs to know about Covid.
hvg.hu: How is your infection?
Mother: Yesterday (the interview was conducted last Friday – ed.) We were there to do tests, but the point is that we are no longer infected. We are on the 21st, I don’t even understand that I could get in so much. Those who are beyond this say that there is still a week and a half or two out of this.
hvg.hu: Do you have any symptoms?
METER.: Only immeasurable fatigue remained in me and Hajnin (Majka’s wife – ed.) it is. But it’s something that I can’t compare to anything in the last 41 years. Day by day better a little, but very slowly. The burnout after the hardest gig period is about twenty percent of that.
hvg.hu: Due to the epidemic and your illness, you have taken on a whole new role by informing people in detail about your illness and its treatment on YouTube. You feel the responsibility to become a crownaceleb?
METER.: I do not think I have a responsibility, I have a responsibility towards those who trivialize it. Like even the storkViral skeptical pharmacist György Ggydény – ed.) or my acquaintances who abundantly preach folly. It is very bad that stupidity here is accompanied by enthusiasm. Of course, this is not true for Sturgeon, he just wants to profit from putting a lot of people in danger. Let’s see who died: Tamás Böröndi, Fecó Balázs and we can list the names of known people who shouldn’t have left yet.
Through the videos, I wanted people to see this virus as Russian roulette. It affects everyone differently.
If someone is diagnosed with a condition that their neighbor didn’t even have a fever for, it’s hard to get started. But according to these people, the World Trade Center was destroyed by the Illuminati, they are killing us lizards with the chemtrail, Biden cheated in the elections and Bill Gates is giving the death vaccine. I wanted rational thinkers not to rely on this.
Now we live in times when human lives also depend on stupidity, that’s why these stupid things have to be sent to hell. Say you’re a man, you’re a bastard. Now you can’t leave your opinion on them: we can discuss whether Biden cheated in the election, but if that stupid person says not to take off his mask, he doesn’t.
hvg.hu: What makes it so effective?
METER.: My strength lies in the fact that I do not have to subtly analyze the statistics and explain in a friendly way what we see, but I can count on simple arguments what is happening in the world. As an operational tribe, I don’t have to kindly explain to fools what can be done in two sentences. I also see poor Cecilia de Müller doing it sometimes, but she can’t.
hvg.hu: You wanted to call Gődény, but you didn’t answer. What would you have said?
METER.: I wanted to ask you things. What he meant by “on cycle 37, the test will be false positive anyway”. I mean, it would be based on people who don’t know what you’re talking about, but would still be interested because I don’t understand the sentence. I would have asked him simple questions that he could have safely answered, since he is a pharmacist and I am an electrician. But since he didn’t pick it up, I think I would have embarrassed him. This guy is a guy, and it would have turned out.
hvg.hu: Was there something that surprised you?
METER.: I settled in Balassagyarmat because an old acquaintance whom I trust works there. On the last night, the chief physician took me through the hospital to see coronavirus patients treated in conditions less fortunate than me. There are only two hundred people there, so the hospital must also treat patients without coronavirus. I’ve seen how much work has to be done to keep these people alive.
But there is another terrible side effect, stress. You don’t know what will happen to you. They say you have bilateral pneumonia, pleurisy, they give you steroids, antibiotics for days, they draw your blood, they look at your results, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not good. All you see is your values bouncing all the time.
hvg.hu: Especially since it has a great reputation for self-diagnosis anyway.
METER.: I’m shit, but it’s usually easy to handle. I don’t have a disease every week, but if I have something, I think the worst. But it will pass. In this case, however, you see and read what is intense. What can you do? You are reading your phone. What are you reading there? That 120 people die a day from an illness that makes you hospitalize.
hvg.hu: How can you overcome this with the least amount of brain problems?
METER.: There are people who do not even need advice because they seek it. But it is not good not to have any advice: I have an acquaintance who did not even want to go to the hospital because it is already a sign of something bad, now he breathes. The father of another acquaintance of mine left in two days. I didn’t even go for the test because I had some symptoms, but I would have had one last test with my heart, but I only entered the hospital with a test. They did and I started to feel bad the next day, but the result only came in two days. It started with a weak fever and I had typical flu symptoms until day seven. After that, however, Covid started. Doctors also say that the seventh day used to be a turning point.
hvg.hu: And what did you learn from doctors about what to look for?
METER.: The important thing is to pay attention to the dilution of the blood. Doctors have said that it can cause blood clots in the body that will not appear for a long time. I keep stabbing my stomach to this day and will still have to take pills for two months after my negative test.
hvg.hu: Based on your personal experience, what is the state of healthcare in Hungary?
METER.: I don’t think there is anything in the world that is right about health care. In my own experience, Hungarian is fine, because they paid attention to me and treated me. There is medicine and care. But I don’t think I have authority on this issue, and it is true that major reforms are also needed, in addition to a billion guilders.
hvg.hu: Are you satisfied with our epidemic management? Was it worth keeping the pubs open for so long, for example?
METER.: No matter what you answer to this question, it will become policy. If you say well, you speak for those you did not want, and if you say no, you approach the other side where you simply did not want to return. From my own point of view in the music industry, I think that, as in Germany, we should have said earlier in the year that all events were over, and at least that could have been expected. I would not have allowed soccer matches either, as we saw in the Atalanta Champions League match.
It is not possible to say whether action should have been taken earlier because it is an impossible condition. If you act earlier, the problem is that if you act later, you will.
It should be noted that we have now sucked this.
We don’t have to find out, figure out what happened or reason about whether it’s artificial, the point is, we’ve sucked. And that’s not good for anyone.
hvg.hu: So you’re not the figure who is bothered by the disinfectant or mask industry?
METER.: Apparently, there are those who got rich during the epidemic, but that’s not because conspiracy lovers said they invented Covid, but they would have doubled their wealth anyway. They make money because they can make money. These people also make money trading beetles. You don’t have to be mad about it, it’s true.
hvg.hu: So only politics is the problem?
METER.: All other issues have also become politics. I’m not sure it was a good idea to even postpone the matches until now, but much more than the people shouting from the other side would have taken so many wrong steps. You can only trust, for example, doctors.
hvg.hu: As a musician, are you satisfied with the help?
METER.: I have an opinion on Warehouse Concerts, but that would be a completely different article. It is nice to have help or a lifeline for the entertainment industry, but the mode of implementation is bad on several levels. I mean it gently when I say it is questionable.
hvg.hu: Obviously you will have less financial problems with your band than with the team. Are you helping them in any way?
METER.: I can help you with two things. On the one hand, I have almost the highest paid musicians in the country, they don’t always need help, a lot of people also teach music. We can also help the other team members by telling them that if we get the support, they will get their money the same way, even if they didn’t even have a job at Warehouse Concerts. Unfortunately, nothing more can be done, I cannot give of my money at home.
hvg.hu: If your band is standing up, or if you could go to a party in the summer, let’s not go to a concert, do you think if the stagnant economy or the many infected are more bearable?
METER.: For me, too, my only problem in the summer was making shared responsibility really common. We also didn’t make the 500-person concert limit in the summer, although it could have been. But it seems silly to me that we can meet somewhere, not anywhere else. Even if I feel logical, of course it is different if you have a seat that you don’t have at a summer concert. But it is little, it is worth nothing.
hvg.hu: Who participates in the matches?
METER.: The opening of the matches is confusing, but nonetheless, I am very satisfied with the successes of the national team. Rather, the big problem is that little by little all the issues will become politics. In fact, they slowly see politics in the simple “hello are you” if you don’t respond as you should.
hvg.hu: TV2, for example, presents programs in front of an audience. Do you think it is acceptable?
METER.: I generally say that if you test and pay attention to things normally, I think the danger is minimal. If you can, you can’t stop working. If something is causing a lot of trouble, it will stop work anywhere. I can’t imagine what will happen to the merchants who support their families from November to December.
hvg.hu: You said you plan to use YouTube even after the coronavirus. Could this be an alternative to commercial televisions?
METER.: Of course! That is exactly my goal. I want to tweak the independence it gives. Obviously this is a setback in terms of money, which sadly I can easily express in numbers, but I am 41 years old and I think I can deal with things that make me happy at that age.
hvg.hu: Is television over then?
METER.: Yes, no, I will not give up anything. But as long as you have a television contract, you have to do a lot of things that you don’t want to do. I don’t want to give examples. But from now on, I’ll only take care of the things that make me happy: live shows, set work hours, telling my stupidity, and going home.
hvg.hu: Why do you think you are so terribly interesting to Hungarians?
METER.: You don’t need to think about how people feel when something is not fake, and also when someone is hiding. They see me in black and white, that’s how I am. I share my opinion, and that’s why those who don’t like it can’t even tell me that I’m a camouflage. The people of today’s world really lack honesty.