He didn’t go abroad, he followed the rules, but he just contracted the virus. Breathing difficulties plagued him too.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

King Linda was also infected with the coronavirus, the person said on Instagram on Saturday.

Unfortunately, taking all precautions (I was not abroad before / since quarantine), I also caught COVID during one of my jobs “

King Linda wrote on the community page, adding that she was immediately quarantined.

The singer was initially plagued by a terrible migraine and runny nose, but she had no fever and was not coughing. However, she lost her sense of smell.

“A few days later, the harshest symptoms started. The cold shivered, but I still had no fever, and then breathing difficulties appeared. It was like an elephant sitting on my chest and I couldn’t breathe deep and normal.”

See the post on Instagram

Hello! I thought a lot about sharing with you why I was a bit lost, but I decided not only to share the good stuff; because I felt it was important to tell me exactly what happened and what to look for! Unfortunately, following all precautions (I had not been abroad prior to quarantine), I also caught COVID during one of my jobs. Of course, I reported it immediately and went into quarantine immediately. It all started with a terrible migraine and my nose started to run. Since I have been battling allergies since I was a child, I thought it was due to ragweed. He had no fever, he did not cough. Then my sense of smell was gone and by then I knew it was something else and immediately went for a test. The 2 tests were positive. A few days later, the most severe symptoms began. The cold shuddered, but she still had no fever, and then came the trouble breathing. It was as if an elephant was sitting on my chest and I couldn’t take a deep breath normally. Fortunately, I am fine now and I received the good news yesterday that after two weeks of quarantine my verification test was negative! I can finally get back to work and hope to go to Babies slowly too. This virus is very widespread and now more and more people are positive, so take care of yourself and others! #covid #quarantine #quarantine #estaysafe #corona

Post shared by King Linda (@lindakiraly),

King Linda is better today, and on Friday he got the good news: another test after the two-week quarantine came back negative. “This virus is very widespread and now more and more people are positive; So please take care of yourself and others! The singer wrote in the post.

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