As a minister, you don’t have to pay less for men than for men.

Katalin Novák recently addressed her peers in a beautiful video, seeking the answer to “how can a woman be successful, strong,” how she can face the challenges of motherhood and work at the same time. The Minister without Portfolio for Families could eventually speak about his own experience while raising three children as he rises in government and becomes Secretary of State without Secretary to the Secretary of State.

However, using your own example, you certainly couldn’t substantiate your good advice on the video that women shouldn’t believe that they should constantly compete with men and have at least the same position, at least the same salary as the other.

Katalin Novák receives the same amount for his ministerial work as his male counterparts, as all ministers have been paid the same for one year since March 1 of this year. In other words, Katalin Novák can take home 1,979,400 HUF, as can Miklós Kásler or Sándor Pintér for their ministerial work.

From here, for one thing, it’s easy to encourage others to get by on less. On the other hand, it is not elegant.

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Katalin Novák's message to women: don't bother earning less than men

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Rather, be happy to have a child and to take care of others. Although, of course, they can also work.