The Oscar-winning actor has long been a strong politician and takes activism in addition to his roles very seriously. Viktor Orbán could now be convinced of this.

George Clooney is an American citizen and in that capacity he supported John Kerry in 2004, Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Bident in 2020 in the presidential elections. Not all of the candidates succeeded in taking office with Clooney’s support, but what they have in common is that they are all Democrats.

John Kerry and George Clooney


George Clooney, on the other hand, wears the label of liberal with unprecedented pride in recent times, contrasting his worldview with anti-liberalism.

In 2006, he brainstormed with Larry King on when and why the liberal became a dirty word when the liberal movement was on the right side on many issues. “We thought that blacks could sit in the front of the bus, women could vote, that McCarthy was wrong and Vietnam was wrong,” she explained on CNN at the time. Clooney feels a pretty strong internal motivation to take on the bright side and obviously this also motivated his rally, of which Hungarian public life has been noisy for days.

The actor is the usual film promo, this time on netflix Midnight sky – He launched some political expression, expressing precisely his concern that the world is flooded with anger and hatred, and this is fueled by politicians such as Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Viktor Orbán and Jair Bolsonaro


The hook was immediately caught by the Government Information Center, whose spokesman deemed it important to note that “liberal Hollywood actor George Clooney is notoriously a good friend of the Soros family, even sharing a social image with George Soros’ son.” He then recalled that “György Soros and the Hungarian government have been arguing about immigration for years, so György Soros takes every opportunity to attack the Hungarian government. It is quite frustrating that there are actors, even non-political actors, who carry out such a political intention of György Soros ”.

However, the situation is that George Clooney does not need to be exploited by George Soros, he can express an opinion for himself.

Anyway, the actor Grass of San Juan presumably he would not have ringed further if the Hungarian government had not reacted with such impetus, and then on the 24th he would not ask Clooney to explain in more detail what he meant. Because Clooney did. “As for my previous comments, I would be ashamed not to speak publicly against the kind of authoritarianism in which the Orbán regime controls the media, subjects companies to draconian fiscal rules, silences the free press and only with their permission. you can photograph its fence. , demonizes the marginalized and makes a nod to the extreme right, “he wrote in a statement.

Who still has his memory in the role of the charming Doc Ross, and who would blame these fans? – They can qualify the image of George Clooney that the actor is Emergency Freed from his charm, he more than once amassed his political will in film and activism.

George Clooney Good evening, good luck! in a scene


Clooney’s series of political themed films set in the 1999 Iraq war Desert sharks opened in 2002 Confessions of a dangerous mind processed the story of the CIA assassin. 2005 Good afternoon, good luck! evokes an atmosphere of fear and retaliation from the McCarthy era, while a Syriana Weave the sinful affairs of the global oil industry into a political thriller. In 2011 In the shadow of power in the political filth of the modern age, 2017 Suborbicon – Clean Patio, Ordinary House deals with the issue of racism.

As an activist, he supported refugees in Syria and Darfur, raised money for victims of natural disasters and encouraged his compatriots to vote in elections.

The political interest, by the way, is a family legacy, the actor’s father, Nick Clooney, a renowned television journalist (he even ran in the 2004 Congressional elections, albeit unsuccessfully), and his mother, Nina Warren Clooney, assumed public service in local government. His aunt, actress Rosemary Clooney, not only campaigned for John F. Kennedy, but was also good friends with the president. And presumably, the activism was only reinforced in the actor by the fact that the lawyer’s wife, Amal Clooney, brought a defined professional toolbox from the human rights side into Clooney’s life, which was already open to politics.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (b2), American actor George Clooney and his wife, British-Lebanese lawyer Amal Clooney, discuss the situation of migrants at the Berlin Chancellery on February 12, 2016


George Clooney, however, has repeatedly denied that he is preparing himself for a political role, having even had to prove early in the 2020 presidential campaign that he would not run for the White House, although there could be some demand for it. this based on recurring questions. He claims that he does not have the right skills for politics. “It doesn’t seem like a logical place to take advantage of my existing capabilities. Unlike politicians, I don’t have to commit to the things I stand for and believe in. So I don’t particularly care about politics, “he said in an interview in 2019. The trap of 22 promoting his series.

However, Viktor Orbán was not the first politician whose political manifestations worried the actor, and he also expressed it. “We are living a very nervous time in the world. People are slipping into an authoritarian system, which is very stressful and what we need to watch out for, ”he said.

Clooney spoke out against the policies of George W. Bush and the Iraq war in 2003, but in 2005 he put aside political aversion to ask President Bush for help for the victims of Hurricane Rita, and the president helped.

Donald Trump’s politics, on the other hand, perhaps worried him more than ever, and after George Floyd’s death he also sounded the alarm in a rehearsal.

The anger and frustration that we are now seeing again on the streets is a reminder of how little we have developed as a country since the original sin of slavery.

Clooney wrote. According to the actor, systemic changes are needed in the field of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, and decision makers and politicians must also ensure that citizens are treated equally.

George Clooney also spoke with Donald Trump when he wrote that we don’t need leaders who incite hatred and encourage violence, so after an interview that subverted Hungarian public life, we can rightly assume that the actor classifies Viktor Orbán in this club. hate besides the American president.

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The government's response to George Clooney's interview: Soros

According to a spokesman for the Government Information Center, György Soros takes every opportunity to attack the Hungarian government. Right now, George Clooney.

George Clooney responded to the government: I look forward to the day when Hungary rediscovers what it was
At home

The actor wrote about a lying propaganda machine in Orban.