Tuscany and Campania are introducing epidemiological closures on Sunday, so many have been the last in the city center. The epidemic situation, for its part, has been as serious in the last 24 hours as it has been in recent days.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Naples’ waterfront promenades and Florence’s shopping streets were packed with people on the last day before closing at zero on Sunday, after the provinces of Campania and Tuscany were declared an epidemic red zone. In Naples, the terraces of the cafes and restaurants by the sea are full.

“Maybe this is the last coffee this year that we can have on the terraces of the bars in the sun,” said the locals. The shopping streets of the southern Italian city, as well as the craft shops selling Christmas dolls, were also completely packed. Florence’s shopping streets, already decorated for Christmas, were also full, where merchants said they didn’t know if they could open before the holidays.

The Campania area, with a population of 5.8 million and the province of Tuscany, with a population of 3.7 million, is called red from zero o’clock on Sunday, which means it is particularly at risk. The outer borders of the regions are closed, only entry is allowed and movement within the province is not allowed, unless it is for work, school or other compelling reasons.

Restaurants that can only work take out until 10:00 pm will be closed. Trade will also stop, with the exception of stores that sell food and other basic goods. Sports are also not allowed, except outdoor exercise near the residence.

In addition to Campania and Tuscany, the red zone includes the provinces of Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Calabria and Alto Adige, as well as the Bolzano region, which currently has the strictest restrictions. Governor Arno Kompatscher asked Bolzano residents to go or be taken to hospital only if they were in mortal danger, as the health care system was completely saturated and could barely receive additional patients.

Hardening has also made its way into the moderately dangerous orange-colored city of Palermo in Sicily, where the mayor has ordered a “stop ban” from five in the morning to ten in the morning, when it will go into effect anyway. a night curfew. The ban applies to being allowed to drive and circulate on the streets during the day, but not to stop talking to others, since this, as is the custom in Sicilians, immediately leads to smaller groupings.

Nationwide, 37,255 new patients were screened in a single day after nearly 41,000 before, but nearly twenty thousand fewer tests were performed. The death toll was 544 after the previous 550. The proportion of tests done in one day and the number of infections examined did not decline, still around 16 percent, but the number of patients transported to the intensive care unit in one day decreased from less than 120 a week ago.

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More than one percent of the population is actively infected in Italy, a critical situation


The epidemic situation has already become uncontrollable, according to a health research institute.

The number of daily infections in Italy exceeded 40,000


More than 255,000 tests were performed in a single day. The number of actively infected people approached 700,000.