The company was in a difficult situation due to the coronavirus epidemic, but now almost everyone will be richer at 328 thousand euros (118 million guilders).

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure


Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

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On Tuesday, employees of an automotive company in a difficult situation due to the coronavirus epidemic won about 200 million euros (72 billion florins) in a traditional Spanish Christmas lottery called El Gordo (El Gordo).

The president of Industrias Teixedó, a company near the city of Reus, told Spanish public service television that he had randomly selected the number 72897, which was played jointly by the squad and that ultimately won the grand prize.

According to him, the money came at the best moment because due to the epidemic, the company was only able to continue to employ 440 of its employees on short-time, with state support, of which practically all have benefited from the award.

The main prize is € 400,000 (HUF 145 million) per coupon and, after tax, the owner of each coupon will receive € 328,000 (HUF 118 million).

A special feature of the Spanish Christmas lottery is that many coupons of one number are sold, so many can be the grand prize winners. This year, they were able to enjoy the grand prize in many parts of the country, such as Granada, Madrid and Punta Umbría.

Due to epidemiological measures, many lottery players now waited in vain for the lucky ones to party together as usual. The champagne was not left out everywhere, but it was much more restrained than usual, this time masked and without hugs.

Health restrictions also affected the lottery: for the first time since 1913, students at the San Ildefonso Elementary School at the Teatro Real (Teatro Real) drew numbers without an audience. The children were only able to remove their mask for the duration of the draw, as they also sing the numbers and their prizes after the draw.

This year, more than 2,400 million euros (869,000 million florins) were distributed in the Spanish Christmas lottery, in which 1,807 numbers are delivered each year.

According to the state gambling company Selae, 2.58 billion euros (935 billion guilders) in Christmas lottery tickets were bought this year, 11% less than last year.

Last year, earnings above € 20,000 (HUF 7.2 million) were still to be taxed, but from that year the tax threshold was raised to € 40,000 (HUF 14 million).

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They have already won the five billionth jackpot in the five lotteries five times this year

Last Saturday, almost 4 billion.

What awaits the new lottery billionaire now?


Lottery five, after 21 weeks of accumulation, turned one lucky player back into a billionaire. The total hit amount is HUF 3,959,964,415, Szerencsejáték Zrt. He wrote in a statement sent to MTI after the five-lottery lottery on Saturday night.