According to the comedian, it is ridiculous to talk about weed cigarettes in the 21st century European Union.

György Rekop, a Showder Club comedian, was questioned on suspicion of drug possession. This was confirmed to by the person concerned. The pro-government press reported that the police found derivatives of drug-susceptible plants in his home. THE Telex According to his information, he is in possession of a small amount of drugs, which is why he and his girlfriend were introduced in the 19th century. district of his apartment on Gethor Street in Bethlen.

Rekop told

What has been described is not in gratitude with reality. It’s about a couple of weed cigars, a small amount, occasional consumption, I only have sympathizers who have pushed me, and now the press is riding it as if it were Pablo Escobar from Kispest. It’s a joke that this is still an issue in the 21st century European Union. “

Under current drug regulations, if Rekop has found only a small amount and has not previously been involved in the diversion and confessed, it can go to drug prevention instead of court, but if the net THC content of the seized herb is greater than six grams, the procedure must continue. which can result in up to five years in prison.

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After the harvest, the police crashed into a marijuana plantation in Nógrád
At home

A messenger fell in Germany and the clues led to a town in Nógrád. The police found a professional gardener.

A marijuana plantation was found in a nature reserve
At home

The main garden staff found the roots while working.