For the third time, the American actor did not abandon the policy of the Hungarian prime minister without a word.

Third, George Clooney sent a message to Viktor Orbán. On this occasion, the actor gave an interview to the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the occasion of the presentation of his latest film, Midnight Sky.

The first question right away was whether he still sees hope for humanity in these times. Clooney replied that he had always had hope in people, but that he was also realistic. He believes that there is a lot of hatred and division in the world now, and we have reached a point in world history where the United States has an important role to play.

If we have a president who says that the media are enemies of the people and that is spreading, then President Duterte can safely repeat all this in the Philippines: the actor did not even covertly criticize Donald Trump. However, with Joe Biden taking power on January 20, he believes a lot will change.

“It will be much more difficult for Viktor Orbán, for example, to refer to this. Under his current position, he will remain the first man in Hungary for the rest of his life. But is this the authoritative voice that has spread throughout the world? It will be more difficult if the United States can no longer be shown that they are doing the same, ”said the actor.

George Clooney launched the usual film promotion with some political expression in November, when he expressed concern that the world was inundated with anger and hatred, fueled by politicians such as Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. For days after that, the actor was a subject of government communication.

A spokesman for the Government Information Center noted that “György Soros takes every opportunity he can to attack the Hungarian government. It is quite frustrating that there are actors, even non-political actors, who carry out such a political intention of György Soros ”. Péter Szijjártó spoke about George Clooney’s limited political knowledge, and Judit Varga, Justice Minister, invited him for coffee to discuss the real situation of the Hungarian rule of law. And Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said he was better off with George Clooney when he said a learned text.

Clooney wasn’t bothered by this, not long after he told The Guardian that battles with populists like Orban were worth getting into, and he emphasized it more with his children. He said that, in these “crazy times,” as a parent of such young children, he believes it is important to be able to say, “These were the things we speak against at this point in history. Not just to make you proud. But to make your world a better place. “

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Gergely Gulyás: George Clooney is better when he says a learned text
Life + Style

However, there is no obstacle on the part of the Minister to possibly have a coffee.

George Clooney can no longer afford not to deal with Viktor Orbán just because of his children
Life + Style

The actor told The Guardian about this. You want to leave a better world for your twins.