According to the director, what Attila Vidnyánszky does is an obvious and blatant abuse of concrete physical power.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

One OrigoIt is the starting point of Árpád Schilling’s thought published on Facebook, in which he tries to explain the difference between the critique of the operation of the University of Theater and Film Arts and Attila Vidnyánszky’s occupation of space. Schilling writes that he never hid that he had problems with the institution and did not deny that he was critical of the workings and habits of the profession: Origo quotes critical statements from himself and others.

“One of the peculiarities of arts education is that the empowering new generation is questioning the customs, tastes and values ​​of the past,” writes Schilling, who still thinks SZFE needs reform, “but it doesn’t matter at what cost.”

However, according to Árpád Schilling, Attila Vidnyánszky does not know the institution, so he does not know that this building has always been hot.

There have been student riots before. There have been internal tensions before. Everything could have happened because the place was plural. Not to mention that the training was just the Soldier, what nonsense

– writes.

Regarding the culture of discussion and dialogue, Schilling writes: “I did not want to kiss those with whom I had professional discussions.” He has always had problems with the fact that “the old potentates were inflexible and at times cynical”, and therefore the generation that grew up after the regime change did not have the opportunity.

I have always had problems with this and this is my problem now. Now the difference is that what Attila Vidnyánszky does is an obvious and blatant abuse of concrete physical power. It does not maintain an institution under its influence, but a whole system of institutions. Even the scale justifies it being much more restrained, but this aspect does not limit it. Lead an entire career attack with public money, charges and government support, without any substantial negotiation. He himself is alone with the support of all those who fear deep down or are just having fun.

According to Schilling, Vidnyánszky never endured the debate and perceived each conversation as a waste of time.

He couldn’t hear the man because he was only interested in what he had in mind. That is why he could not bear to criticize his creations. Unfortunately, Attila is not a smart but energetic person. I write that he is not intelligent because only a stupid man can lie as much as he: that he wanted to reconcile. Attila did not want to reconcile because he could not reconcile. During his ten years in the country, he did not assemble a single forum, conference, or any event suitable for conciliation that could be taken seriously. Vidnyánszky does not organize it because he fears that he will be invited to a public debate. He doesn’t like “silly” speech.

According to the director, the chairman of the SZFE board of directors foresees systemic changes in vain when he did not write a single line about his plans. Instead:

Attila, on the other hand, will have to be ashamed of having shattered a 155-year tradition on foam and insulted the greatest of Hungarian theater with bloody accusations. I also made mistakes, but I didn’t avoid the confrontation. Attila is really avoiding it now. It is destroying now. What it will create is not yet known.

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