The Börzsönyi conservationists shared a high-quality photo of the animal looking at the camera.

After the camera trap shots, we managed to capture the wolf in Börzsönyi with a normal camera, the Börzsönyi Conservationists write on their Facebook page. The photo was taken by a member of the community, Tamás Demjén.

In a later comment, someone writes that other indirect evidence of the wolf’s presence has also come to light because the local ranger also found a deer calf freshly killed by some nearby predator. A DNA sample has been taken from the visible dentures on the corpse and the predator species will be identified from the saliva remains.

Even in March, we reported that a wolf had “fallen” twice in Börzsöny thanks to two camera traps, and even found a footprint in the freshly fallen snow at the end of the month. Conservationists say the photo and camera trap images are likely to show the same animal.

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The camera trap in Börzsöny was captured by a wolf
Life + Style

Thanks to camera traps, the Börzsöny wolf was caught twice in the lens and its footprint was also found in the snow.