Licking Gyurcsány to the sacrum, this is how Róbert Puzsér evaluates the phrases of the left-wing analyst


Beware of the shameless anus, as described by Róbert Puzsér, a critic, left-wing comedian, former mayoral candidate, Gábor Török, who claims to be independent, but who lives alongside Gábor Vona until spring 2018. This time, the analyst politician praised Ferenc Gyurcsány, urging in an interview the rehabilitation of the work of the fallen prime minister. Gábor Török was disturbed by the revelation, later attempting to deny Puzsér’s argument by repeatedly projecting the need for Gyurcsány’s rehabilitation.

Gábor Török gave a lengthy interview to his leftist People’s Word on December 21, explaining that Ferenc Gyurcsány the rehabilitation of the career of a fallen prime minister, and Gyurcsány will lead the opposition into a kind of “co-lease”.

Ferenc GyurcsánySource: MTI / Márton Mónus

From the context it can be concluded that the independent political analyst sees the rehabilitation of the fallen prime minister as desirable, as evidenced by the fact that Turk did not mention any of Gyurcsány’s fatal lies and mistakes.

This is how he interpreted it Róbert Puzsér also a left-wing critic, comedian, former mayoral candidate who responded to a Turkish interview on December 26 in the MSZP-linked newsletter, Mandiner said.

The title of Puzsér’s opinion written in a special style is: “The balance of Gábor Török: licking Gyurcsány to the sacrum instead of analysis”.

At the beginning of the article he stated that this time the political analyst took an oath of allegiance to Ferenc Gyurcsány, although he still campaigned for Jobbik a few years ago. (According to some rumors Gábor Vona he was a personal advisor to a fallen party president. – ed.)

Puzsér then drew attention to the fact that Gábor Török has little total opposition cooperation, because heHe wants to rehabilitate Ferenc Gyurcsány and his work, calling it “essential”. The comedian hinted that he not only thinks of Gyurcsany, but Gábor Török also wants Gyurcsányne to be prime minister.

Then, discussing the method of rehabilitation, he highlighted: Will Ferenc Gyurcsány’s birthday be included in the opposition program? Do all opposition parties declare that Ferenc Gyurcsány did not falsify the country’s budget data, did not lie “morning, night and afternoon” and, despite his previous statement, did not personally instruct the police chiefs about the bloody retaliation of the October 23, 2006?

Puzsér called “cheeky anus care” that Gábor Török was involved in, according to the humorist, not even Ferenc Gyurcsány himself needs it.

The comedian finally stressed that The former political scientist “switched to gyurcsányist agitation” and “licks uncomfortably” by his new boss.

Mandiner wrote that on December 27, in his short Facebook post, Gábor Török interpreted Puzsér’s opinion piece as “very deviant”, then somewhat refuted his own words. he again complimented Gyurcsány, emphasizing: “the opposition can only have a chance if it accepts the former prime minister. This is, in the case of Gyurcsány, knowing the antecedents, political rehabilitation ”.

Therefore, Gábor Török again urged the political rehabilitation of Gyurcsány.
