Letter from the girl to heaven – Boy


The dog-child friendship is for life, through it the little ones learn the concepts of care, responsibility, unconditional love, accomplice and playmate.

It makes a child a different person if he grows up next to a dog: with a four-legged person, he experiences many common, funny or even annoying moments. An intimate relationship develops between them, and the loss of the eb leaves a deep void in the little souls.

Wrote a letter to heaven

Four-year-old Meredith and her favorite puppy, Abbey, have been inseparable since the girl was born. They played a lot together, they followed each other everywhere. The four-legged patient died at age 14. The girl was inconsolable, and the next day she asked her mother to write a letter to heaven for her favorite puppy.



The letter said:

Dear God!

Please take care of my dog ​​upstairs. He died yesterday and is with you in heaven. Thank you for letting me have a dog despite being sick for a long time. I hope you play a lot with him, he likes to swim and play ball. I will also post a photo of him so that when you see him you know he was my dog. I miss you so much, Abbey, I love you. Meredith.

The article continues after the recommended one.

Something strange happened after that

With the help of his little mother, he addressed the envelope to God, put a stamp on it and threw it into the mailbox. A response was received a few days later.

On the porch was a gift wrapped in gold foil, addressed to Meredith. It was Fred Rogers’ book When Your Pet Dies. A letter was taped to the inside cover of the book, with a joint image of Abbey and Meredith on the other side.


Dear Meredith!

Abbey came to us safely in heaven. The image he sent helped identify him so we could easily recognize him. Abbey is no longer sick. Your soul is here with me, just like you in your heart. Thanks for the letter you wrote to your mother. You have a wonderful mother, that’s why I chose her for you. I wish you all the best and I want you to know: it is easy to find me, because where there is love, there is God.

The letter was certainly written by the postal workers, and Meredith was happy because she knew her dog was in the right place.

Children who have a dog or kitten are healthier

Many people think that a child and a pet do not fit in one place, but research has shown that the presence of pets can bring many good things to a baby’s life.

Covers and Recommendations: Getty Images Hungary
