Leadership replaced in the state majority of Rába, figures close to NER can be found


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A complete management change is being prepared at the 75 percent state-owned Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt., Mfor said in a story posted on the website of the Budapest Stock Exchange on Thursday. Magyar Állami Vagyonkezelő Zrt. (MNV), which manages state property, called an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on December 3,

summon the president and the members of the governing bodies – board of directors (it), supervisory board (fb), audit committee – and elect the new ones.

This means, the newspaper writes, that István Pintér, who has held the position of president and CEO of Rába since 2005, must also leave.

But the really interesting detail of the news is the list of candidates for high positions.

MNV’s candidate for the position of President and CEO was Béla Hetzmann, who was presented as an “experienced professional” by Világworks Economía published by Mediaworks, member of Lőrinc Mészáros. Hetzman really has industry experience – he is one of the owners and CEOs of CSABAcast Light Metal Foundry Ltd. operating in Apcon, which includes Miele, BMW, VW Group (including Hungarian Audi), Daimler, Ford, GM and indirectly manufactures aluminum parts for Ferrari and Maserati.

But he also has a relationship of trust with the elite of the NER: for more than a year and a half, since April 30, 2019, he has been chairman of the Supervisory Board of Takarékbank, which belongs to Lőrinc Mészáros.

Takarékbank, which is preparing to merge with Budapest Bank and Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank (MKB) to create the second largest bank in the country. Also, CSABAcast has the same Budapest, XII. district, address of the Németvölgyi út office building, where the Takarékbank headquarters was also located from the date of Hetzmann’s appointment as chairman of FB until October 31, 2019. On the ground floor of the building, the bank still maintains a branch office.

In addition to Hetzmann, Csaba Majoros, who is Hetzmann’s co-owner at CSABAcast, as well as the CEO of Csaba Metál Öntödei Zrt.

In addition to Hetzmann, there is another candidate close to the NER for the management of Rába: since the beginning of December, Ms. Dániel Emánuel, head of the head of the Fidesz Point of View Institute, Ágoston Sámuel, can be a member of the board. Mráz Dániel Emánuel has been the CEO of Prolan Iranyítástechnikai Zrt. Since the end of 2015, which won a public procurement of 7.63 billion in January 2018 together with the R-Kord of Lőrinc Mészáros, writes Mfor.

István Lepsényi, Secretary of State for Economic Development and Regulation of the Third Government of Orbán in 2015-2018, may become the head of the Rába Supervisory Council.

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