László Csaba: Orbán has become a scapegoat


Due to omnipotence, they can be blamed for all the problems, even for what they cannot do, says the academic, who says there will be serious problems.

You don’t know that the right hand is what the left is doing.

He evaluates it as Magyar Hang László Csaba Academic measures taken by the government against the coronavirus epidemic. Viktor Orban his former counselor calls the evacuation and communication of hospital beds incomprehensible. The professor believes that deploying soldiers in hospitals and companies will not solve the crisis. It failed before the economic rescue package was launched.

As can be seen from economic and health measures, there is a large gap between decision-makers and those affected by decisions. You could also say that they live in a parallel world.

As an economist, you believe that without real help, many smaller companies will file for bankruptcy, which will significantly increase unemployment. Expect a quick rebound in the world economy, and Hungarians have slowed down even before the epidemic, and partial quarantine has delayed everything. László Csaba says that on the contraction of the Hungarian economy, it will be between the two extreme estimates, 3-10 percent.

More must be done to preserve jobs, the budget deficit must not be allowed to escape, the forint must be protected, resources must be reallocated, and large public investments must be stopped.

There is no public trust in the government.

He was very surprised how the decisions of such a highly centralized system were not combed.

The central bank’s monetary policy is not in line with the government’s fiscal measures. Monetary instruments are not omnipotent anyway, as there is cheap money in the system to no avail, if investor confidence is shaken, they will not borrow.

From a confidence point of view, he considers it a big problem that the Orbán government does not have a conversation with employers and employees, and its measures are unpredictable. According to him, this has led to a lack of public confidence in the government, which would be very important now.

Orbán is already responsible for everything

The empowerment law was completely redundant, the government already had all the tools it needed to face the crisis.

This system, which refers to thinking a hundred years ago, who knew the answer to everything in the center, has a setback. For any difficulties that arise, even if not because of it, a person’s leader will be responsible and will not point a finger at anyone when problems run down their necks. However, even with the best crisis management, serious consequences can be expected. People will blame the party center, that is, the government and Viktor Orbán personally, for all the problems.

The professor extensively lists why many may already be dissatisfied and says he is sure there will be a big disappointment. The crisis is severely eroding consumption, on which Fidesz has built his rule,

This will put an ugly end to the myth of omnipotence.

Orbán also knows that there will be no golden age, which MNB Governor György Matolcsy talks about. There may be an economic shock that people cannot even imagine. Dissatisfaction will spread like wildfire, and those who have not been interested in politics so far will go to the polls. According to him, this process could be strengthened and shaken if the British resign, they contribute 13-15 percent less EU money and already have fewer friends.

According to László Csaba, new political forces will emerge, and there will be more and more young voters, much more pragmatic than the elderly, whose socialists or Ferenc Gyurcsány its governance is only known from the history book.

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó /24.hu
