László Bige: I asked Viktor Viktor Orbán for a meeting, but he didn’t. I mean, you have already decided


He gave an interview to the Partizan László Bige, a billionaire under house arrest, who was considered the 10th richest Hungarian in 2020 with a wealth of 112 billion.

We have dealt with Bige’s issues many times, let’s make a brief summary of them, since prior knowledge is needed to see what position the entrepreneur is talking about, what procedures exist for him.

  • Around the Bige sulfuric acid plant in Szolnok, there was an uproar in November 2018, with 300 police officers and first responders occupying the site. Bige, for his part, did not speak of an environmental issue, but of the campaign against his company, and named it Sándor Csányi, the director of OTP Bank, saying their protracted fight is linked to official actions. He claimed that the attack was intended to force him to sell the largest nitrogen fertilizer plant in the region. The OTP director, for his part, rejected the accusations as he had no intention of acquiring Nitrogénművek Zrt. Or any other company belonging to the Bige Group.
  • Bigé, then suspected of bribery, was also arrested last December. At that time, only seven months had passed since the prosecution proposed the imprisonment and confiscation of 135 million florins of bribery against László Bige, the billionaire king of fertilizers. That is, another action was launched against him. Bige is still under house arrest, with a total of three prosecutions against him.
  • And recently, Bige made the news by ordering a poll of an unusually high sample (5,000 people) because he was curious whether the opposition could defeat Fidesz next year. In this regard, he promised that the investigation would not only be available to the opposition, the results of which he did not evaluate precisely because he did not want to make a political statement.

Márton Gulyás then he visited Bigé at his home.

At the beginning of the conversation about the process against him, the billionaire said it was unfounded and frivolous:

Two people reported themselves but made an accusation. They said that with the money they damaged the state treasury, they gave it back to me.

According to Bige, it’s all a fiction, and everything they’re pointing to happened ten years ago, and he says that someone paid these people to say it, because “someone can’t be that stupid for free.” Who, can pay, did not indicate. However, by his own innocence, Bige is absolutely sure, he has emphasized it several times.

About Sándor Csányi

They did not fight with the head of the Prosecutor’s Office, Bige said. “There was no conflict,” he added.

Alexander was a good kiss, a good boy.

Commenting on the above, he stated: he had no Csányi stroma, “I have never handled his other money.” Until 2008, a group of Bige companies had a prosperous relationship with OTP, but then the bank paid off their loans to their companies in a good line. Here his relationship with Csányi deteriorated, but Bige said he never looks back. Then there was the big KITE controversy: when they both wanted to get the agricultural company with Csányi in the 2010s, but ended up with the leader of the OTP. He said, “Bige said,” it can’t be done without political authority, “which means that he suggested that Csányi also had a political edge in the KITE conflict.

Viktor Orbán and the NER

Regarding the processes and attacks against him, he said that he had once asked him By Viktor Orbán personal meeting a few years ago, but the prime minister did not give a date. “As he did not fail, he had already made a decision,” he declared. Bige also used to meet leaders from other countries, “I don’t think it’s normal for my own prime minister not to accept a request, but it may have to be, and I do.”

Asked: it was not a mistake not to mix with the elite of NER.

I have a relatively strong backbone, I have a strong set of values, I live by them, and I am not willing to change that.

It noted that it had not received a takeover bid from NER for its huge business empire, as that would be “too much money.” It’s easier, “he continued,” if it gets screwed up and they take it away for free, “it’s happening now.” For his property to be attacked and bought cheaply, Bige was prepared, he said. “That’s why they can’t catch me with anything. I didn’t do anything in heaven given a world! Because 12 years ago I knew what they wanted.”

You have tools, you are not afraid to use them

So what happens, in Bige’s interpretation, is a “mafia-like market takeover involving the prosecution, the police, the disaster management office, the government office, the competition office, the office of taxes. All devices are prepared for this. “He emphasizes:” This cannot break me, I will not get out of this. “He was previously told that” I would get a free withdrawal “otherwise I would” close “. I did not take it seriously” . The processes against him do not affect him, but his family supports it. “I keep listening to my phone, ordering environmental studies on me.”

However, Bige said, “I have quite a few tools in my hands that I really need, then I can use.” I was referring to information and wealth. You have documentation of things that you are not afraid to collect if you really have to.

About Lőrinc Mészáros He said, “I can only feel sorry for him.”

Because in my opinion, you will be the first victim of this.

You have to wear a tracker right now, it’s on your ankles. “However, with a mildly humiliating impunity of 62 years, I am reluctant to put up with this.” He said he had no political ambitions, “I have never committed to a party, and I never will.”

The full interview can be seen here:
