Lajos Boros lives on his sold car and plot


The former radio operator gave an interview to Blikk, in which he said that after his long illness, he had just started taking the stage again, and then the quarantine crossed his plans. Boros Lajos He also underwent open heart surgery, three valve changes, and prostate surgery, and was in a coma for five weeks. But he recovered and then held his independent evening three times at the Dumas Theater, which was also spiritually good for him. Then an emergency was announced, which would also cost the host financially.

When my money started running low, I sold my car and then traded it from our parcel in Roşia Montană for half a year. The price was helpful, it will last a while, but it won’t go out of trouble for long. I do not want to complain, I am trying to solve my problems, so far I have been successful. Now, for example, I have discovered how to supplement my written program from my hospital experiences with quarantine experiences, and from the apartment building corridor in front of my apartment, I give live shows for a symbolic amount cheaper than a ticket for those who They join my group called Gegs of the Gang.

He said of the newspaper’s previous difficulties.

Wine is a chronic diabetic, has a pacemaker, and if the threat of an epidemic wears off, it won’t go into the crowd, either. You are aware that your illnesses have weakened your immune system. For example, you have a heart problem Boomerang was revealed on his radio show titled With Gábor Bochkor and With János Voga They were only able to test a new machine used for cardiac catheterization.

At the end, Professor Béla Merkely handed us a piece of paper, then whispered to me: I still have to meet you, then gave me a date for cardiac catheterization.

– He said.

Featured Image: László Beliczay / MTI
