Lack of capacity in hospitals? The commander of the national hospital spoke


There is no shortage of capacity, technical or protective equipment in health institutions that hinders defense, the commander-in-chief of the national hospital said at Thursday’s meeting of the Committee on National Defense and Law Enforcement.

Zsolt Halmosi explained: When the government eliminated the emergency after the first wave of the epidemic in the spring, the hospital’s command system was still in place, but it was adjusted to the needs. In the spring, another 109 hospital commanders were assigned to 108 institutions and 94 hospital commanders are currently working in 93 health institutions. Of these, 48 were assigned to the task by the police, 17 by disaster management personnel and 29 by the military, the MTI is cited.

In addition to health institutions, there are institution commanders in 19 social institutions, the number of people placed in them is 200 or more. Of these commanders, 14 were seconded by the police, one by disaster management personnel and four by the military.

He also spoke specifically that hospital commanders have been at risk since the system was installed, three of whom have suffered serious health problems, such as a heart attack, and that 11 hospital commanders are currently battling a coronavirus infection. . Arrangements were made for his change.

The task of hospital commanders has not changed, said Zsolt Halmosi, adding that, above all, their task is to protect the supplies necessary for health protection, if the amount prescribed by the operational staff is not available, they should indicate. They are also responsible for complying with epidemiological regulations in institutions. In this regard, he said: 29,946 inspections were carried out, deficiencies were identified in 1,149 cases and actions were taken.

Not only existing capacities, but also capacity expansions are monitored by hospital commanders, Zsolt Halmosi mentioned the increase in the number of beds as an example.

Tibor Lakatos, head of the operational staff guard center, said: Your task is to coordinate the decisions and tasks made by the operational staff. As of September, operational personnel had imposed 496 tasks related to the epidemic, 277 of which had already been completed. He added that these tasks affect not only health, but the entire spectrum of defense, including the National Center for Public Health and the Ministry of Human Resources, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior. 15 people work 24 hours a day.

At the committee meeting, MEPs were given five minutes to invite guests.

Lajos Kósa, the president of the Fidesz committee, asked about the number of beds available, among others. Zsolt Halmosi said: the capacity of the bed is currently sufficient. He added that health institutions upload their data to the central system at 12 noon, based on which 29,158 people were hospitalized in Hungary at noon on Wednesday, of which 7,691 were confirmed to have coronavirus. Infected patients can have 20,766 beds. Another 1,764 people were suspected of having a coronavirus in hospitals and had not yet received test results by Wednesday noon.

They need to be placed separately, Zsolt Halmosi said, as they cannot be classified as coronavirus or not be infected. Hospitals housed 643 ventilated patients with coronavirus, the number of beds with ventilators was 2564. At noon on Wednesday, there were 4162, according to the writing, a “prominent” in inpatient facilities with which to provide intensive oxygen therapy care. According to Zsolt Halmosi, the figures show that the health system currently does not use even a third of intensive capacities.

Finally, the questions

Mónika Bartos of Fidesz asked to what extent people are complying with the austerity measures imposed in the second wave of the epidemic. According to Zsolt Halmosi, a significant part of the population follows the rules, on Wednesday, for example, they only had to act in five cases because the passengers were not wearing a mask on public transport.

Asked by Miklós Simon, vice president of the Fidesz committee, Zsolt Halmosi said that in recent days the number of illegal immigrants trying to enter Hungary has risen to 300. He stressed that illegal migration has a serious epidemiological risk.

His vice president, György Hubay (Fidesz), asked about the company closures; Zsolt Halmosi reported the temporary closure of 92 stores.
Tamás Harangozó, a member of the MSZP committee, objected and called it cowardice that a political leader did not appear at the committee meeting. In response, Lajos Kósa said the leaders of the operative tribe had been invited and removed from their daily work.

An opposition politician, citing a letter posted by a public doctor, asked whether hospital workers also didn’t see the information, such as how many free beds were available at the time. According to Zsolt Halmosi, the intensive care doctor does not see where there is capacity for free intensive care beds in the country, because that is not his job. You need to see the capabilities in your own institution, ”he added. He noted: Ambulance staff can get where there is a free bed online.

Ágnes Vadai, vice president of the DK Committee, criticized, among other things, the fact that the data that is published daily is not displayed in a table. He also urged the closure of casinos. Tibor Lakatos said: casinos should also close at 7pm, operating staff are constantly examining what measures are needed.
