According to the portal, the presenter has to leave because the radio and Spirit FM, another member of the Lampé headquarters, the ATV Group, are requesting the same frequency. knows that the presenter Ágnes Lampé has found herself at a crossroads for Klubrádió’s management: either they end their collaboration with the ATV Group or they are terminated from the radio. According to the portal, the members of the editorial board were already informed on Club Radio the other day that the radio was ending its cooperation with Lampé, who had not been able to attend the meeting for several years.

Speaking to Media1, András Arató, the majority shareholder and chairman of the board of Klubrádió Zrt., Said that the background is that Spirit FM, which belongs to the ATV Group, is also presenting a tender for the Budapest FM 92.9 MHz frequency, that Klubrádió 2021 may be used on February 14, as decided by the Media Council, and will only continue to do so if it wins the pending tender.

Agnes Lampé was also heard in the case, who said: “The fact that Spirit FM is also bidding on the frequency currently used by Club Radio has nothing to do with me or the fact that I work for both radio and ATV. I worked. This situation has existed for years, I direct / have directed programs in both bodies. All of this did not cause any problems until the request was submitted. At that time, however, I received an ultimatum from the radio management to choose immediately, since from that moment ATV / Spirit FM and Klubrádió were in a competitive position. However, this is not true: if the frequency remains on Club Radio, then if someone else wins the tender, then that’s why ”.

Szilárd S. Németh, CEO of ATV, told the portal that they are satisfied with Ágnes Lampé’s work with ATVs and that they are still looking forward to it.

János Fiala, on the other hand, may not be running a show on the channel for a while, as a week-long conflict between the host and Civil’s editor on the track led to the channel and Fiala decided to finish the joint work.

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The ministry banned Demeter Szilárd from speaking on the ATV
At home

With his writing on Saturday, the director of the museum, who was very indignant, would have gone on television, but he would not allow it.

Club Radio fails lawsuit against Media Council, could pay tens of millions

The tender for the frequency used by the radio was approved by the board this week.