The Association of Community Radios and LBK Médiaszolgáltató 2020 Kft. They also started for the 92.9 MHz frequency, without knowing why NMHH errors invalidated their request due to.

The National Media and Communications Authority does not provide further information on why the Association for Community Radio and LBK Media Service 2020 Ltd. were excluded from the tender for FM 92.9 MHz community radio in Budapest, as the procedure is still ongoing. reported by NMHH to Media1with.

The Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) announced Monday that it had rejected the requests from the two service providers. The radio, which expires next February, is currently broadcast by the Klubrádió media service provider. The radio application also passed the formal examination, but the Media Council asked them to fill in the gaps. All that was said about the tenders of the other two service providers was that they were excluded due to a formal error.

Balázs Biró, owner of LBK Médiaszolgáltató 2020 Kft Media1He said he still did not know what to do after the decision, and the Community Radio Association was appealing the decision, according to the newspaper. The organization’s president, Szilárd S. Németh, said they hope to be able to return to the courts through the courts, but they also have a plan B: they will start the tender for another community radio frequency that will soon be announced by the panel.

A Media1 You know, the Spirit FM offer has been discarded because the radio has indicated in more than one moment in the so-called programming grid that contains its schedule that it wants to transmit music. But since it was not explained that the word music on the show meant that the music was being broadcast at the time, the Media Council considered that the word music would be the title of a show, and therefore the applicant did not provide a description of track”.

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Anna Donáth filed a complaint with the European Commission in the Klubrádió case
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According to the current member of the European Parliament, Orbán filled the Media Council with his own people.

Club Radio fails lawsuit against Media Council, could pay tens of millions

The tender for the frequency used by the radio was approved by the board this week.