Krisztián Bene, known as alkaline doctor, must pay compensation of 25 million florins


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After four years of litigation, the Metropolitan Court issued a verdict in the first instance on Wednesday in a lawsuit filed against Krisztián Bene, who became known as an alkaline doctor. The court ruled that Bene must pay 25 million HUF in compensation to Erika Renner, who had been mutilated, for violating the woman’s right to physical integrity and health.

According to the report, the court took into account in its decision that the woman is still forced to face the consequences of the alkaline attack every day, that her sense of security ceased, and that she could not have another child as a result of the attack. ..

The verdict also assessed it as a serious disadvantage that Erika Renner’s femininity and sex life are seriously damaged. Therefore, it did not consider the moral damages of HUF 25 million to be excessive. After the verdict was announced, Erika Renner told the newspaper that she was relieved and knew she would be entitled to a much higher amount, but in the Hungarian civil law system this is possible. He also told that the verdict has an important social message. is, “It is not worth abusing anyone because it can have not only criminal but also serious financial consequences.”

This was now a first-instance verdict in a lawsuit for damages, a final verdict in a criminal lawsuit in July this year: At the end of an extraordinarily lengthy case, Krisztián Bene, a hospital director who mutilated his ex-girlfriend, was sentenced to 11 years. The man stunned and mutilated Erika in March 2013. Although there was various types of evidence against Bene and he was detained immediately after the attack, he was subsequently released by the police and tried to close the investigation against him, which was only resumed after the victim complained.

Our first video about Erika Renner and her family was released in March 2017, and in 2018 she spoke in detail about what happened during the trial and investigation.

When the country expects anti-epidemic measures, the government prioritizes realizing its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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