Klaus Iohannis’s statements are hateful


The recent statements by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Hungarians are especially suited to incite hatred, Levente Magyar, Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said Monday in the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs. The panel unanimously adopted a resolution stating that the Romanian president’s anti-minority statements were condemned and made a clear commitment to the institution of autonomy.

Levente Magyar He emphasized that due to his Saxon (German) minority background, everyone looked forward to the Iohannis presidency with hope, and the Hungarian minority in Romania voted for it in significant numbers in both the first and second rounds.

Levente Magyar, Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, will answer an immediate question at the plenary session of Parliament on May 11, 2020.Source: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd

He recalled the recent statements by the Romanian President in which

He accused the Social Democratic Party of repeating Transylvania to the Hungarians while the Romanian government was waging a heroic fight against the coronavirus. He noted that, in the meantime, the politician had greeted the Social Democrats in Hungarian.

Klaus Iohannis based on your position, The one who negotiates with the Hungarians and is not the most contemptuous in Hungarian affairs is the traitor. According to the summary of Levente Magyar Iohannis’s statements cannot simply be seen as a trick of domestic rhetoric, they can have far-reaching consequences, and are specifically suited to incite hatred.

He also mentioned the Romanian “tradition” that if there is a problem, the Hungarian card is always adequate to distract the public from the real problems. Romania can be expected to have very serious problems this summer, said the chancellor. He called what happened in the coming months a bad omen. I want to develop Romanian-Hungarian relations, but I am not going to give up on helping the Hungarian minority abroad and protecting this community from all kinds of attacks. he said.

Klaus Iohannis is the Romanian head of stateSource: MTI / EPA / Romanian Presidency / Dragos Asaftei

Zsolt Németh The chairman of the committee (Fidesz) indicated that a Romanian committee will also include the issue on the agenda, with the support of the Social Democrats, which is expected next week. The committee chairman regretted that the positive results of recent years have been the victims of such a storm. He saw: Romania has to deal with two types of viruses at the same time, the new type of coronavirus and the old type of chauvinistic virus. A new carrier of the virus appeared in the person of the Romanian President – declared Zsolt Németh, according to whom the events carry the risk that an unfavorable change from the current status quo in the situation of minorities is expected.

He also mentioned that (reelected in 2019) Iohannis cannot show any significant constitutional results. He noted: Romania is very sensitive to when Hungary is under international pressure.

Sigismund Brown (Fidesz) drew attention to the fact that after his first statement, Iohannis put on another shovel and confirmed what had been said the first time. Wondering what steps to expect?

Nacsa Lőrinc (KDNP) called the events a pre-planned campaign ploy, which he said was a special aggravating circumstance. The presidential statement falsified facts he pointed.

Juhász Hajnalka (KDNP) drew attention to Romania’s international obligations. Called him sad While they are taking action against Hungary on the law aimed at protecting against the coronavirus, the President of the Council of Europe does not speak on this matter.

In his response, Levente Magyar said that everyone sees exactly what is happening, but they do not say anything, because the tradition is “to let problems cook”. The Secretary of State considered that the silence of the Council of Europe was one of the most humiliating in the matter.

He noted that there were positive moments in the context of managing the epidemic, but the impression was that the Romanian side is looking for the points where the narrative can be attached, what danger does Hungarian politics pose.

They did not correspond with the Romanian Foreign Ministry on this matter, both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs spoke, he said for further suggestions. According to him, this is a phenomenon related to previous cases.
