King Viktor had sure advice about Bee’s identity, and that advice came as a singer!


King Viktor had sure advice about Bee’s identity, and that advice came as a singer!

January 3, 2021 8:44 PM

There is only one production left, and the inauguration approaches, the Disco Ball reveals its identity … more info

The mysterious costumes are taking the stage again, dripping information that has so far completely confused the jurors … more information

The semifinal continues, with only Baba’s production coming back and the overwhelming first performance looming. following

More costumes heat up the studio atmosphere, the bee and the raven take the stage. following

The Nicsak, who am I? following

Kempf Zozo greatly enjoyed his performance in Nichak, Who Am I ?, of which he revealed exclusive details to the audience. following

The star teams were surprised by the disco ball, and Vivien Madai immediately screamed. The costume hid the child’s favorite! following

Ábel Anita and Cyla decided the fate of the contestants: It turned out that three costumed celebrities sang in the Final! following

In the opinion of Anita Ábel, Gábor Baronits hid under the guise of Disco Ball, when he learned that Cyla had fully hatched … more info

The Disco Ball was completely different from the style that suited her wardrobe and staged Margit Bangó’s song: A Reed Covered Culinary in her second production. following
