Kim Jongun is so terrified of the coronavirus that he has closed entire cities and executed people


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Intelligence has described Kim Jongun responding to the pandemic with “excessive anger” and “irrational measures” to avoid an economic and health catastrophe in his country. North Korea’s health system is in very bad shape, so the epidemic could wreak havoc in the country.

An influential foreign exchange businessman who, according to the North Korean government, could be held responsible for the deterioration of the North Korean exchange rate is also alleged to have been executed. In addition, an official who allegedly illegally imported goods from abroad was executed.

Fishing has been banned because they don’t want “someone to infect the water with a coronavirus,” intelligence officials say.

Kim Jongun also reportedly closed Pyongyang and Jagang province to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. They also tried to steal vaccine development material from South Korea through a hacker attack.

North Korea is still unwilling to admit that a single case of coronavirus has been found in the country. The official numbers are highly questioned by international experts. By the way, North Korea’s borders have been closed since January, even to its main trading partner, China.

During the report, intelligence also spoke about Kim Jongun instructing North Korean diplomats not to provoke the United States because, under Joe Biden’s leadership, he expects a different approach from Trump towards North Korea.

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