Kim Jong Un wrote a letter to Putin, which means he was alive, or if he didn’t, he didn’t write the letter


Also, that letter fits well with World War II and the coronavirus.

He writes to the Pyongyang State News Agency, KCNA, that:

Kim Jong Un I greeted him in a letter Putin to II. on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.

In the message, Kim also “sincerely wishes Russia to succeed in building a strong state, while also preserving the tradition of celebrating the victory of war and preventing the spread of the coronavirus.”

The KJU People’s Leader pen has been very active since he returned from his recovery as he also congratulated him in a personal message a day earlier. Hsi Qin-ping to the Chinese head of state on the occasion that “his country, under his leadership, has achieved success in the fight against an unequaled epidemic.”

Some experts believe that North Korea has intensified its diplomatic activities, especially towards China because need financial help at a time when borders around the world were closed due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

Other insiders / insiders lament that a dictator known for his extreme hairstyle and bloodshed (who is not a picnic or a nicotinist by the way) is no longer alive, and there is a double in his chair, with whom the Kim dynasty apparently puppet gloves .

The idea of ​​”not Kim at all” came to the fore after Kim Jong Un underwent cardiovascular surgery on April 12, then, as the news said, he was recovering in a villa in the resort city of Xiangshan, near Pyongyang.

The speculation began after North Korean state media did not write about the dictator for two good weeks, who:

  • Surprisingly, it did not appear at the commemoration of the birthday of the founding grandfather, Kim Ir Sen, on April 15, although it is the largest holiday in North Korea.
  • Then later this month Reuters learned that Chinese health experts and government officials rushed to Kim’s death.

Not only is power inherited among kimeks: they resemble ordinary mortals in that they pass on their genes and through them some of their diseases to their descendants, and cardiovascular discomfort is common in a marked family. The father of the current despot, Kim Jong Ilt He was hit by gout in 2008 and then died of a heart attack in 2011. The current Kim disappeared for more than a month in 2014, despite the fact that she had health problems.
