KDNP image editor tricked Zsolt Semjén, who is not the only one wearing the mask, well


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The school year started with speeches and mass at the Pannonhalma Benedictine Primary School, Zsolt Semjén, Deputy Prime Minister, was present and even gave a speech. In the end, the event did not become memorable, although it did not stop being interesting when Semjén explained that ancient Rome was overthrown for homosexuality:

The time of St. Benedict was a period of decline in Rome, when the declining military virtues had already been replaced by the cult of “gladiator celebrities”, when classical Roman legal and cultural values ​​were replaced by “ubiquitous deviations”, when the family was replaced by “the most astonishing aberrations.” Saint Benedict then claimed the supernatural against the unnatural. “

But the true traditions of gay Rome are carried out by the Benedictines:

“He added that Saint Benedict knew how to represent the natural precisely because he showed the supernatural, since the supernatural is built on the natural. That is why the Benedictines saved the values ​​of the ancient world, he pointed out.

However, kdnp.hu’s report on the event turned out to be memorable, as the trolling editor moved his own party chairman to illustrate the words of the archbishop, who spoke about the importance of virus protection, with a photo showing so alone

(If you cannot read the screenshot, the text above the photo reads: “Before the opening of the school year, the archbishop told reporters that there were about 430 students studying at Benedictine High School in Pannonhalma. Students from the foreigner had to arrive earlier, they were still in quarantine and the second added that several rules have been tightened so that, for example, fewer people can be in the same room at the same time, and at the time of moving, not the whole family can accompany the student, but only a relative “).

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