Kassler has put together his own list, fewer tests require coronavirus testing


Rethought again over the weekend Miklós Kásler The minister for whom benefit service providers must request a coronavirus test, writes Népszava.

According to the document, the last procedure has significantly reduced the number of services where the test is needed, so ultrasound and kidney dialysis have been removed from the previous list, and only the patient can request tracheal incisions and endoscopic surgeries.

On Thursday night, Miklós Kásler wrote a letter to the heads of health care providers, in which he ruled that in non-urgent cases, institutions could only admit those who had a negative coronavirus test. The minister also prescribed tests for otorhinolaryngology, oncology, and radiation therapy, ultrasound and endoscopic examinations, and most dental procedures.

This rule also applied to public and private services, but in addition to organizational problems, at first it was not clear who would bear the costs. Within a few days, the state undertook this in the case of publicly funded benefits, but now, according to Népszava, it has also become clear that the amount of expected inspections of service providers in the ministerial order is presumably unfounded.

In dental care, the procedure was changed as early as Tuesday, whereby patients only need to submit a PCR test if the risk assessment shows that there is reasonable suspicion that they are infected.

Zoltán Dúl However, according to the dentist, when prescribing protective equipment, primary care workers are forced to spend an additional 8-10,000 forints per patient.

Image: János Marjai / 24.hu
