Kassler explains the emptying of the beds in staggering numbers.


According to the minister, medical care had to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

To the Hungarian nation Miklós Kásler He said that there is still no vaccine or medicine against coronavirus, so Hungarian doctors also resorted to experimental therapies. Plasma treatments and drug therapies for other diseases are promising, and Western Europe has been preceded by two clinical trials in the areas of passive immunization and influencing the body’s excessive immune response.

The common goal of the two types of experimental research is to keep people who need intensive care as little as possible, and those in the intensive care unit to avoid death and improve as soon as possible so that they can leave intensive care.

This plasma treatment has also helped a patient with chronic kidney failure who has already been ventilated. According to the minister, those recovering from the infection are recruited for blood donation to help more people passive immunization when the blood plasma from a donor who has had an adequate immune response to the disease is administered to a patient who It does not yet have its own immune response after processing.

Plasma can be stored and used for months, which can be a major benefit in a possible second wave of infection.

Miklós Kásler said that over the other method, overexpression therapy, they try to prevent cytokine storm, to prevent the patient from needing intensive treatment, and if treatment is started intensively, the goal is to reduce cytokine storm. With a known drug, a method has been used that is still being tried elsewhere.

Emptying the bed: it was also an incredible number

According to the minister, emptying the beds was necessary because the

The course of the epidemic could not be accurately estimated at first, for which there were several calculations with the most surprising numbers. There was also a mathematical model according to which hundreds of thousands will become infected in Hungary. The government and operational staff position was that health should prepare for the worst case,

that no one is left unattended, as in the case of the Swedes, the Italians. They wanted to prepare medical care so that decisions did not have to be made like the health workers who were forced to release the hands of older people.

Regarding the resumption of medical care, Miklós Kásler said they had been preparing for weeks for the epidemic to subside and that the phasing out of austerity measures could begin.

He believes that as hospital costs have increased, it will be necessary to incorporate compensation into the system at the end of the epidemic. The minister says that service providers, regardless of the maintainer, are subject to the same rules.

The Ministerial Letter is valid for all healthcare providers, whether private, church or public.

The coronavirus provides many useful lessons. According to the Minister, after studying them, it should be decided in which area the health care system can and should be changed after the epidemic.

Featured Image: MTI / Zsolt Szigetváry
